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Home > Avoid scams > SCAM [Review] – FAKE payment proofs exposed! SCAM [Review] – FAKE payment proofs exposed! scam review
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Will scam you? Or will it help you make $500 online today?

First of all, welcome to my review! 

You have probably been told to join and are wondering if it would be a great choice to make real money online.

Or perhaps you have already joined and want to join if you will get paid.

No matter the questions you have, I’m happy to see you here because here you will find the complete truth.

Knowing that there are too many scams out there, I’m glad that you’re taking the time to do your own research.

That’s the way to avoid scams and find the real way to make passive income every single day!

For your information, this ShareCash review is not like other reviews you may have come across. Why?

Because this review does NOT have any referral links! My purpose is not to promote, it is to help you decide whether is for you or not.


Table of Contents review summary

Name: ShareCash

Website URL:

Founder: Hidden

Created in: December 2019

Cost: Free to join (but it can cost you more than you probably think)

Who is it for? The founder

Do I recommend it? Never


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is

ShareCash (found at is a website that claims to be the #1 influencer network.

According to the info on their page, you can make $500 online today, and you only need to invite others to sign up and complete some tasks.

You can allegedly make $10-$15 per referral, and $2 when someone visits through your referral link.

Making money with sharecash doesn’t seem complicated because what you have to do is not difficult. 

I mean, anyone with basic computer skills can share a link. So many people are sharing their referral links on social media.

I have noticed that people are promoting on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook… But are these people getting paid?

The answer is no, is not paying its members! That’s what they don’t want you to know.

If members knew they won’t get paid, they wouldn’t be promoting sharecash. 

How do I know does not pay? I know it because it’s the same as other fraudulent sites I have exposed.

They promise you can make a lot of money within a short period of time, but the truth is that you won’t make a dime.

Making money online is not as easy as these scammers claim. If earning big money online was easy, many hard-working people would have already quitted their jobs, don’t you think?

So don’t be fooled by these fraudsters! is no different than these other sites:


Does really work? only works for the unethical individuals who have created it. 

So I can affirm that does not work for most people. Members who are promoting it are not getting paid.

If you have been promoting it, you may have got excited because you see an amount of money in your account balance.

That money is not real. The money inside is fake money that they won’t send you. It’s all designed to lead you to believe that you’re making money.

But the truth is that you won’t see that money in your PayPal or bank account. So there’s no point in promoting sharecash, it won’t benefit you in any way.

So why does claim that you will make money? Why do the owners of this platform want you to believe that people are making money?

The reason is simple: they want you to get other people to sign up because the more people who sign up, the more money these scammers make.

They want people to sign up with their real email addresses and passwords because these scam artists want to take advantage of this information. 

In other terms, they want your personal information to make money with it. They will not hesitate to sell your information to other scam artists & hackers, and they will also use your information to access your personal accounts.

For example, they will try to access your gmail, PayPal or bank account. And they will try to take all your money.

These fraudsters do the most to make money at other people’s expenses, which is unacceptable and unnecessary.

Apart from that, you need to be careful with the tasks they want you to complete. These tasks require you to take actions that are not good for you.

For example, they require you to visit fraudulent websites that ask for your information, and they also require you to download apps or programs that are filled with malware.

Completing those tasks could end up costing you money because they can put you in a position where you have to buy a new laptop or smartphone.

And that’s not all! The fact that your information can fall into the wrong hands is dangerous because it can make it easy for these fraudsters to steal your identity, which would be a huge problem.


Lack of information about the owners

If I asked you who’s behind, what would you say? I personally would say that I don’t know the name or the identity of the owner of because there’s no information about it.

Honestly, knowing that is not legit, I’m not surprised that there’s no info about its owners. 

Scammers usually hide their identities because they don’t want their victims to report or sue them. Scam artists don’t want to face the negative consequences of their crimes.

They want to keep taking advantage of people like you without them being exposed.

I have exposed hundreds of scams, and I have realized that scam websites usually have a lack of important information. 

A lack of information means that they’re trying to hide something, which is a red flag. I personally don’t trust people who hide essential information, so there’s no way I can take seriously.


Sick of scams? Want to make passive income every day?

Check Out My FREE Earn Money Online Guide Here!


Fake payment proofs

Like I said, members are not getting paid. The payment proofs and testimonials you can find on are fake.

You see, some payment proofs are prior to the day was created. was not founded in 2015, it was created on November 25th 2019, according to a reputable website called whois.

Because of this, I can affirm that the payment proofs prior to November 2019 are completely fake!


Below you can see what I mean:

Nowadays there are plenty of tools that can be used to edit and photoshop images, so scammers use them to create fake payment proofs.


It’s the same as other scams is the same as other scams I have mentioned, but I have also found out that it looks exactly like a scam I recently exposed called OGBucks.

As you can see below, both and OGBucks look the same way:

See the similarities? The only difference between them is their name. They work exactly the same way, the way that only benefits the scammers who have created them.

In my opinion, all these scams have been created by the same individuals because they all have the same layout, the same structure, the same fake claims…


Will scam you?

There’s no doubt that is a scam that does not work.

After everything I have found, I cannot recommend it. I’m not even the only one who claims is a scam.

ShareCash has a Facebook page and all the reviews are negative. Here you can read some of them: facebook complaints

If you try to contact, no one will reply because the email address they mention is fake. 

Also, don’t fall for their payment confirmations! If you try to cash out, they will probably send you a confirmation with the date you will receive the payment, but they will never send you any money.

Your payment status will be “pending”, but they will never pay you. 

Unfortunately, a lot of people realize they have got scammed when it’s too late. There have been people who have got their money stolen, so I recommend that you add extra protection to your PayPal or gmail account (if you use them). 

I personally will not be recommending for these 3 reasons:

  • It’s a waste of time
  • It cannot benefit me in any way
  • I don’t want other people to get scammed

Many of the people who have fallen for this kind of scams, end up feeling guilty for having told their friends and family members to sign up. So I hope that this review opens their eyes.

What you decide to do next is up to you, but I have to conclude that it’s best to avoid


Serious about making money online? Read this

There are sooo many frauds like, but I have some good news for you!

The good news is that there are plenty of legit platforms that are willing to pay you, and I say this because I’m living proof.

Did you know that it’s possible for you to make money doing something that you have already been doing?

You know, if you have been sharing the referral link and have got referrals, you can definitely earn passive income online every day.

Instead of sharing links to scams like, this is about sharing links to legitimate websites that are willing to compensate you.

Well, it’s not only about sharing links. You also need to ensure that the right people click on those links and visit the legit sites.

After visiting those websites, if they purchase a product/service on that site, you will get paid commissions! Sounds cool?

This business model does not require you to create your own product, not to mention that you will be able to bring free targeted traffic to the sites you promote. 

Like I said, I’m living proof this business model works, and there are people from all over the world who are actually making money with this business.

Below you can see one of my payment proofs:

Income Magnet review income proof

The reason I show this payment proof is that I want you to know what’s possible. I don’t want those scammers to make you lose hope.

No matter the experience or skills you have, you can make it happen. I started with no experience and English is not my main language, so anyone can achieve good results.

This business model will allow you to make money while writing & talking about something you have a passion for, so I’m sure that you will enjoy the process =)

If you’re committed to building your online business, I invite you to check out my FREE guide here:

My guide is FREE (no login information required, just click here to start reading it), which means that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain 🙂

Oh, and what if you ever have questions or doubts? No problem! I’m not like those scammers because I’m honest about who I am and I also show you how you can get private access to me.

If you read my free guide until the end, you will find out how you can get answers to all your questions and support from me and other Internet marketers.

Stop wasting your time on horrible scams and start your passive income journey today!

I will leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this scam review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you all!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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