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Income Magnet review – SCAM? See what NO ONE TOLD YOU here!!

Income Magnet review scam
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Welcome to my Income Magnet review!

Are you wondering if this system is a scam? Or is this a legit system that can help you earn thousands of dollars using your voice?

If this is what you are wondering, I’m glad that you have found this article because here I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about Income Magnet.

Before answering your questions, I need to congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before buying into another money-making product.

There’s a sea of scams out there, so doing your due diligence is the way to avoid frauds and find the legitimate way to make a full-time passive income from home!

When it comes to Income Magnet, it’s not as wonderful as they tell you in the sales video, so keep reading this review to find what they are hiding from you!


Table of Contents

Income Magnet review

Name: Income Magnet

Website URL:

Owner: Dan Redding

Launched in: February 2019

Price: $37 + upsells

Overall Rating: 2/10

Recommended? No


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is Income Magnet about?

The moment I landed on the Income Magnet sales page, I thought I was in front of another scam or poor quality program because the sales page looked very similar to other sales pages I had come across.

But I didn’t want to judge it based on its appearance, so I took the time to do my homework.

The spokesman, “Dan Redding”, claims this is a method that anyone can use to earn up to $1,000 a day online.

He starts talking about his life and how much he struggled before finding this system. He supposedly tried money-making methods like paid surveys, Google ads or data entry, but it didn’t work. And he also got in debt and had a hard time making ends meet, until one day one of his friends showed him how to make money using his voice.

It’s similar to a rags to riches story, which are very common in scam sites. That’s why I don’t believe everything he says.

Scammers usually tell this kind of stories to make potential victims believe that they have struggled, so that people believe they are on their side and are not going to scam them.

Apparently, you don’t need any experience or education to make money as a voice over or voice actor. So is this the ultimate system that will help everyone make money online? Is Income Magnet different from the others?

After doing intensive research, I can say that Income Magnet is no better than the following:


How does Income Magnet really work?

Income Magnet does not work the way the spokesman claims because making $400-$1000 a day as a voice over is not that easy.

According to him, you just have to:

  • Log in to several websites online
  • Browse various offers
  • Read and record words from a script. It could be a few sentences, 15 minutes presentations, TV commercials, web presentations, radio jingles, video game characters…

And once it’s done, you are supposed to get paid from $100 to $1500 a day. Sounds easy?

In my opinion, it sounds too good to be true because you could do 1 per day and earn $3,000 a month without doing much work. 

Hyped up claim

It’s totally possible to make money as a voice over artist, but when you are getting started, it’s not that easy. The ones who get paid $400 or more are people who already have experience and have been years in the industry.

The truth is, you cannot expect to earn money the first day you get started because you first need to acquire some experience and skills.

When you are getting started, no one knows you so you first need to settle down. This means that you need to market yourself in freelancing sites and build your brand to get good clients, which is something that takes time and effort.

Once you start getting clients and you do a great job, you’ll start getting positive reviews and ratings, which will make it easier for you to get hired. 

Building a successful voice over business takes work and time, just like building any other business. And there are no websites or systems that you can use as a shortcut. 

You see, if making money online was that easy, don’t you think everyone would be making millions already?


RECOMMENDED: Learn How I Make a 4-Digit Monthly Income Here!


Lack of transparency

In my opinion, the spokesman lacks transparency because he doesn’t mention what you are getting after making the $37 payment.

He doesn’t say if you are getting video training, PDF files, guides… He says nothing about this.

From my experience, products like this one usually don’t offer the kind of training and tools you need to make the money they talk about.

They usually provide outdated PDFs or videos that you can find on YouTube for free. Just the fact that they don’t say what’s inside the members area is a red flag.

Do you even spend money on a product without knowing what this product contains? I personally wouldn’t waste any energy on a product like this.

The reason they do not reveal what’s inside is that if you knew, you would probably not buy it because you would realize that you are not getting anything special.


Who’s the owner of Income Magnet?

We are told that the man behind Income Magnet is called Dan Redding, but how can we believe someone who doesn’t prove who he is?

He doesn’t show any picture of himself and he doesn’t even tell us how we can contact him. He doesn’t mention if he has a website or social media profiles.

Why is he hiding his identity? I have reviewed hundreds of products like this one and I have realized that website owners who don’t reveal their identities tend to be scam artists.

After all, they don’t show who they are because they don’t want to harm their reputation and they don’t want to face the consequences of ripping people off.

In this case, Dan Redding is just a pen name that the owner is using for privacy purposes.

Therefore, the fact that the owner is not transparent about who he is makes me not trust Income Magnet.


Does it only cost $37?

Income Magnet is said to only cost $37, but I personally believe that it costs way more than that.

Just like most ClickBank products, after making the $37 payment you can expect to get bombarded with some upsells that cost hundreds of dollars.

You see, the people behind Income Magnet want to get way more than $37 per customer, so they will try to convince you to purchase other products.

In case you give them your email address but don’t buy any products, you can expect them to send you some emails related to this product or other money-making products. 

Not only that, they may also share your personal data with other marketers, so you can also expect to receive emails from people you don’t know.


Has anyone succeeded with Income Magnet?

I don’t believe anyone has made money thanks to Income Magnet because this is a product that has got launched on February 2019, so (as of this review) it’s still soon for members to succeed because success doesn’t happen overnight.

However, I don’t like that the spokesman mentions people who are making hundreds of dollars a day because his claims sound very unrealistic.

Fake claim

I personally believe that he’s inventing these success stories because there’s no proof to back up his claims. He doesn’t show any picture of the people he’s talking about, he doesn’t mention their last names and he doesn’t even explain how these people are making that kind of money.

From what I have seen after reviewing hundreds of websites, I believe that the spokesman has invented these success stories to lead you to believe that there are people who are making money thanks to this product.


It’s part of the collection of

One of the main red flags is the fact that Income Magnet is part of the domain name. 

I have reviewed three other products that are being marketed on this domain name, and these products have turned out to be the kind of products that promise you the world but underdeliver.

These products that are part of are these:

Their sales videos were also full of hyped up income claims and fake testimonials, and other reviewers considered them to be scams. 

Therefore, the owner of these products is the same person behind Income Magnet, so I don’t expect Income Magnet to be any different than the others.


RECOMMENDED: Check Out My FREE Earn Money Online Guide Here!


Is Income Magnet a scam?

The answer to this question really depends on your definition of scam. 

Some people will call Income Magnet a scam because of the fake claims and the fact that it’s a product that underdelivers. 

Other will not consider it a scam because you get something for your money and you may also learn something from the training.

Will you earn any money? It’s completely possible to make money as a voice over, but I have my doubts when it comes to Income Magnet.

According to their disclaimer, the average buyer doesn’t make any money.

Copy His Success disclaimer

Even though it’s clear that Income Magnet doesn’t live up to its promises, it’s not a complete scam because it’s sold through ClickBank, which means that you can get a refund.

Therefore, in case you have purchase it but end up not liking it, you can get your money back.

With that said, if you want to profit as a voice over artist, you can find some videos on YouTube on how to get started, so I don’t believe you need Income Magnet.

At the end, you can do whatever you want with your money and time, but after everything I have explained, I conclude that I do not recommend Income Magnet.


This is how I earn passive income every single day

If you are really serious about making a full-time income online, you need to keep in mind that you will have to work your butt off.

This is no like anything you want to achieve in life, it takes effort, time, learning and perseverance.

I’m grateful that I have found a legitimate business model that has given me a way to earn a 4-digit passive income per month, which is so cool =)

This business model takes advantage of many of the products & services that are available online, so you will not have to promote the same thing as everyone else.

Also, you will not have to recruit anyone. This is definitely not an MLM. This is a business that has been working for decades and there are people who have become millionaires thanks to it.

I’m no millionaire, but there are days that I get to earn over $200, just like you can see in the screenshot below:

Truth be told, this is definitely not for everyone because not everyone is willing to do what it takes.

This is only for people who are committed and willing to do the required work, so if you are that kind of person, I invite you to check out my FREE guide here:

If you take the time to read my guide until the end, you will learn how I got started, the 4-step method I followed, the reason this business works, real success stories from people who started from 0…

You will get to enjoy building this business because you will be talking and writing about something you love, so you will not get bored =)

Furthermore, you can also receive my personal guidance and support, so you can rest assured knowing that you are not alone in this! Your questions will always get answered because the place I show you has a big community of like-minded people who are willing to give you a hand 🙂

Oh, and did I mention that you can get started today for free? I’m not kidding, you don’t need to spend a dime to check it all out and decide if this is right for you!

I love the messages I have been getting lately. Below you can read a message from one of the 3,000 people who have joined me: scam wa message

So what’s next for you? Will you keep wasting your energy on low-quality/scam products? Or will you get on the right track to start building your online asset today?


I hope this Income Magnet review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Don’t hesitate share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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