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10 Minute Paydays Review – SCAM? NO ONE TOLD you this!

10 Minute Paydays review scam
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Welcome to my 10 Minute Paydays review!

Are you wondering if is a scam? Or is it a legit system that can lead you to online financial freedom?

If that’s what you need to know, it’s great that you have found this post because here you will find the answers to your questions.

There are so many scams out there, so I’m glad that you’re taking the time to do your own research.

That’s the way to avoid scams and discover the legit way to make passive income online!

To be totally honest with you, I am not associated with 10 Minute Paydays, which means that you will not see me promote it.

Instead of that, here you will find how 10 Minute Paydays really works and other important factors that they haven’t told you.


Table of Contents

10 Minute Paydays review summary

Name: 10 Minute Paydays


Owner: “Gregg Price”

Launched in: July 2019

Best for: The founder and affiliates

Price: $9 + upsells

Recommended? No


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is 10 Minute Paydays about?

Somebody sent me an email about this 10 Minute Paydays system, so I thought I would have a look at it to determine if this one was legit or another undesirable scam.

Honestly, I didn’t get good vibes the first time I saw their sales page because it looked very similar to other scam pages I had come across in the past.

The 10 Minute Paydays sales page is full of red flags that are very common in scam pages, so I didn’t have high hopes for this.

According to the spokesman, this system is going to allow you to make $5,000 per day with only 10 minutes of daily work.

This kind of claims are very common in get-rich-quick schemes that don’t work. Making $5,000 per day is definitely possible, but no one has reached this amount of income by only working 10 minutes a day.

Any experienced marketer who doesn’t want to scam you would tell you that earning thousands of dollars online takes a lot of effort and dedication.

The spokesman spends the majority of the time talking about how fast and easy it’s going to be to earn huge amounts of money with this system.

It’s the type of system that doesn’t require you to do much work because it does everything for you. It doesn’t even matter if you have no experience or if you’ve never earned a dime online.

Well, that’s what he says, but the truth is that it’s all hype. If making thousands of dollars only required 10 minutes a day, don’t you think we all would be millionaires? I’m sure many many people would have at least quitted jobs they hate.

10 Minute Paydays is no different than these other systems that promise you the world but don’t deliver:


Does 10 Minute Paydays really work?

10 Minute Paydays does not work as the spokesman claims because it’s not a system that can make you fast or easy money.

You see, the sales video doesn’t contain much information on what you’re exactly getting or what you will have to do to make money.

There’s work to get done so don’t you expect to receive something that helps you make money by only pushing a few buttons.

If you purchase 10 Minute Paydays, you will realize that there’s no system that you can activate to start making money today. 

This kind of programs tend to provide some outdated training and PDFs about making money online. They mention the methods to earn money online but they don’t provide step-by-step directions, which makes it easy for newbies to get lost or stuck.

In this case, you will receive some training on how to make money with affiliate marketing, but the problem is that the training is not enough thorough to build a profitable business.

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model, but it doesn’t work within a short period of time. There’s a lot of learn and apply before making money.


Fake video testimonials

10 Minute Paydays has allegedly helped dozens of ordinary people make more than $150,000 easily within 30 days, but I don’t believe it’s true.

There are no positive 10 Minute Paydays reviews out there, not to mention that the only reviews I’ve found are negative.

In the sales video we can see a woman who claims to have earned thousands of dollars thanks to this system, but she’s not a real member.

This woman has appeared in other misleading sales videos like Digital Payday. She’s a Fiverr actress who has got paid to say what the scammer wanted her to say.

Fake testimonial

You can see her Fiverr gig here:


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Only $9 to make $5,000 a day?

I don’t like the fact that this program is being advertised in a way that wants you to believe you can make thousands of dollars by only investing $9.

$9 is just the starting cost, but there are other costs they don’t tell you about. It just doesn’t make sense that they’re selling a product for only $9.

On the page for affiliates, they claim each affiliate can make up to $203 per sale, which means that there are upsells that cost hundreds of dollars.

Therefore, if you pay $9 to get access to the members area, they will hit you with some upsells. They will try to get you to pay way over $200.

Apart from that, you can also expect to see promotions of other products within the members area, and they will also fill your inbox with spam.

Also, the limited availability is fake. They are not limiting the number of sales they can make because their goal is to get as much money as possible.


They don’t provide any support

Another red flag I want to mention is the fact that there’s no information about the real owner of 10 Minute Paydays.

We’re told that the founder is Gregg but he does nothing to prove he’s different from the other scammers. 

In fact, he acts the same way as the others because he’s not transparent about his program. He doesn’t show any picture of himself and he doesn’t even tell us how we can reach out to him. 

Is he active on social media? Or does he have a website or platform? 

I’ve reviewed lots of websites and I have noticed that ones owned by scammers or unethical marketers lack information about the owners.

In this case, I believe Gregg is just a pen name that the founder is using to hide his/her identity. He/She probably doesn’t want customers to know about his/her identity because he/she doesn’t want to deal with the negative consequences of misleading advertising. 

Another point I want to make is that the email address they provide is fake because it doesn’t exist.

As you can observe below, there’s no mail server for, which means that they will not receive any messages you send them. 

If they really wanted to help their members make thousands of dollars, don’t you think they would be honest about their contact information? They would definitely provide a real email address, phone number or customer service.


10 Minute Paydays review – Is 10 Minute Paydays a scam?

Whether 10 Minute Paydays is a scam or not depends on how you define a scam.

If a scam to you is something that takes your money for nothing, then 10 Minute Paydays wouldn’t be a scam because you get some training for your money. 

But there are other people who would call 10 Minute Paydays a scam because it doesn’t give you what they promise in the sales presentation. 

They even state that the typical purchaser doesn’t earn any money with this system:

The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system

This is something that proves that the 10 Minute Paydays doesn’t work like they say. I cannot take it seriously because there are too many red flags.

The only good thing is that 10 Minute Paydays is being sold through ClickBetter, which means that you can get a refund.

I personally won’t be investing in it because I would be wasting my time. 

What you decide to do is up to you, but I won’t be recommending 10 Minute Paydays.


If you really want to make passive income, read this

There are lots of low-quality/scam products like 10 Minute Paydays, but the good news is that there are also legit money-making opportunities.

I personally earn passive income every day by using the affiliate marketing business model, so I’m living proof that it works.

Income Magnet review income proof

This business is newbie-friendly because it doesn’t require you to create your own products. You will be promoting other people’s products/services and get paid commissions.

I believe that if someone like me can do this, anyone can. I personally started with no experience, English is not my native language and I’m not good at sales. 

As long as you’re willing to put in the effort and time, I believe you can make it happen. 

This is just like anything worth achieving in life. If you want great results, you need to make efforts. Everyone would be rich if it was easy.

If you’re interested in learning exactly how you can build this business, I invite you to check out my free guide here:

You see, my guide is FREE (no login information required, just click here to start reading it). You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain =)

Oh, and don’t you worry if you ever get stuck or have questions, I’m not like those scammers because I show you who I am and I reveal how you can receive lots of support and help from me and other like-minded people.

Stop wasting your time on low-quality programs and get your affiliate business started today!

I’ll leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this 10 Minute Paydays review has been useful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you all!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

One thought on “10 Minute Paydays Review – SCAM? NO ONE TOLD you this!

  1. Another interesting review on what is without doubt a total scam, the signs are there from the start, who in their right mind would think that they could turn $9 into $5,000 in a day, without an awful lot of hard work.

    How can a company formed in July of this year, have endorsements already, we are still in July.  So many thanks to alerting us all to another brazen scam.


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