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Is Digital Payday a scam? 7 UGLY TRUTHS revealed here!

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Welcome to my Digital Payday review!

You have been sent to the Digital Payday sales page ( and are wondering if this is the real deal?

Or maybe you are skeptical and have questions like “is Digital Payday a scam?“, right?

As you may already know, there are too many scams out there so it’s important to ensure you know what you are in front of.

That’s why I need to congratulate you for taking the time to do your research! This is the way to avoid scams and find the real way to earn money online!

When it comes to Digital Payday, it’s no different than other scams I have exposed in the past and this Digital Payday review will prove it.

I will show you what Digital Payday is about, how it tries to take your money, why it’s a complete fraud and more!


Table of Contents

Digital Payday review

Name: Digital Payday

Website URL:

Owner: “Daniel Bluth”

Created in: July 2018

Price: “Free”

Overall Rating: 0/10


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Digital Payday about?

The moment I came across the Digital Payday sales page I thought it was a scam because of the red flags that are easy to see.

But I didn’t want to think it was another scam like the others so I started watching the sales video to see what this is about.

Daniel Bluth, the alleged creator of this system, really knows what to say to get you excited about Digital Payday.

This system is supposed to connect users to a little known secret website that automates the digital ad process for you and lets you make money immediately.

You don’t need to learn anything or have any previous experience to earn money with this system because it’s said to do most of the work for you.

The only thing you have to do is sign up, pick the ads you like and voilà, the money starts rolling in!

“Daniel” even claims you can start making money 10 minutes after signing up, not to mention that they also claim you can make up to $5,000 in the next 24 hours.

Oh, and the best part is, he’s not asking any money from you so this is completely free, right? He’s literally telling us that we can make a full-time income online for free and without putting in the work.

He also says that all the people who have joined this system have been able to quit their jobs in no time! How cool is Digital Payday, right?

“you’ll never have to work for someone else again”

If this system works so well, why don’t they keep it secret instead of telling you about it?

It makes no sense that they are giving away a system that can make you thousands of dollars for free. I mean, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

I’ve reviewed many pages and programs that make these kind of claims and they all turned out to be blatant scams, and Digital Payday is no different.


Does Digital Payday work?

In my opinion, a better name for Digital Payday is “Digital Lostday” because it only works for the con artists who are running it. 

The reason why Digital Payday was created is for the scammers to make money at other people’s expenses.

According to them, this is free so how can it be a scam? The truth is that this is far from being free. 

After completing a form with your personal details, you will be sent to the Clicks Dealer platform, which is a scam I exposed some months ago.

In order to get started, they will ask you to invest at least $250 and will also try to convince you to invest more in order to make more money.

After that, you will be able to purchase the banners, which supposedly are placed on third party sites and make you passive income.

But the truth is that there’s no way to confirm that these ads are being shown on other websites. The con artists behind ClicksDealer will try to make you believe that the banners are getting clicks and that you are getting paid, but the truth is that no one is clicking those ads!

The scammers want you to believe that you are making money to get you to purchase more ads! And they will not even allow you to get a refund. 

And what about the money you are supposedly making? They will not let you withdraw it. 

If you ask them to transfer your money to your bank account, they will ask you to provide more personal information but will never send you your money.

To sum it up, this is this scam really works:

  • They try to convince you to invest as much money as possible.
  • They try to make you believe that you are making money to get you to purchase more banners.
  • They do not let you withdraw the profits that your banners have allegedly generated.

In other terms, the more money you invest, the more money you lose and the more money these scammers take.


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Is Digital Payday a scam?

Yes, Digital Payday is a complete scam for several reasons:

  • It’s not a real program/system.
  • It leads you to the scam.
  • It gives you false expectations.

As I explained before, Digital Payday will leave you with less money at the end of the day.

But not only that, it will also waste your time which is something you cannot get back.

Other similar scams that you need to avoid are the following:

The Digital Payday sales page is full of fake claims and red flags, which I’m about to point out.


Daniel Bluth is not the real owner of Digital Payday

Daniel Bluth claims to be the owner of Digital Payday and he’s said to be a self made millionaire. 

He tries to make you believe that you are not going to get scammed because he also failed to make money online, so he apparently knows how it feels to fall for scams.

Fake owner

However, his story is a total fabrication and he’s a fictitious character used for this scam.

How do I know this? I made an image search of the image they show for him and found that this image can be found on multiple websites, which means that anyone can download or purchase it and do whatever they want.

Below you can see the proof:

Proof 1

The fact that the people who have created Digital Payday are hiding their identity doesn’t surprise me because they clearly don’t want anyone to know who they really are.


The testimonials are fake

What about the people who appear in the sales video and claim to have earned thousands of dollars thanks to this system?

All of them are actors that have recorded video testimonials saying what the scammers told them, which means that the people from the sales video haven’t invested in Digital Payday or ClicksDealer.

Therse paid actors sell their services on freelancing sites like Fiverr for as little as $5, which is no big deal for the scam artists.

Below you can see the proofs:

#1 Fake testimonial
Proof 2
#2 Fake testimonial
Proof 3
#3 Fake testimonial
Proof 4

The fact that they use fake testimonies is an indication that this system doesn’t work like they advertise. 

If this system was as great as they want you to believe, there would be some positive reviews on the net, but all Digital Payday or Clicks Dealer reviews I have found are negative.


“It’s free and easy”

Whenever you hear that making lots of money online is free and easy, start suspecting.

Firstly, if making money online was that easy, don’t you think that most people would have made millions already? This is no different than making money offline because it takes work and time to make a substantial amount of money.

Secondly, it makes no sense that they are doing it completely free because free is not sustainable. If they have invested their time and money in creating the Digital Payday sales video, it means that they have done it to benefit themselves in some way.

Even though there are free trials, free tools and training, there’s nothing 100% free so don’t believe people who claim to offer something valuable for free.


It makes no sense

It doesn’t make any sense that you can get paid from the website/platform where you place your ads.

I mean, if you place an ad on Google or Facebook, you don’t get paid for the amount of clicks the ad gets. You will get paid if people who click the ad purchase something, not from the ad.

The ones that get paid for the clicks are Facebook or Google, not you.

Con artists are taking advantage of the fact that there are people who don’t know how the online advertising world works, so they try to scam them by telling things that make a little bit of sense but are misleading at the same time.


“Only 50 people accepted”

Scammers don’t want that you do your research to find out the truth, so they tell you that they are accepting a limited number of people to take your money as soon as possible.

In this case, they claim they are only accepting 50 people but the truth is that they want as many people as possible to fall for the scam.

If you think about it, why would these people limit the amount of money they can earn? They will never reject a payment.


It has nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg

Another way they try to lure you in is by telling you that Mark Zuckerberg is endorsing Digital Payday.

If you do some research, you will not find anything concerning Mark Zuckerberg and ClicksDealer because it’s all fake.

These scammers have photoshopped the Digital Payday logo into the background of that screen to make it look real.

I know this because I did an image search and found the original picture on this website here. See the proof below:

Another thing is, if Mark Zuckerberg was endorsing Digital Payday, don’t you think a lot of people would already know about Digital Payday? 

But if you do some research, you will not find any connections between the owner of Facebook and Digital Payday.


Another thing you can expect

Want to know why they claim these scam artists first claim this is free? 

Well, the reason why they do this is to get your personal information like your email address, your phone number and your name.

Why do they want your personal information? To spam you! 

Yes, you can expect them to send you spam emails and call you to convince you to invest as much money as possible.

Not only that, you can also expect them to share or sell your personal details to other scammers or companies, who will also contact you to sell you their products/services. This is what their privacy policy states:

Digital Payday privacy policy


The truth about earning money online

After everything that I have explained, I highly do not recommend that you get involved in Digital Payday and fall for ClicksDealer because they are complete scams. But the final decision is up to you, you are free to do whatever you want.

Truth be told, it’s possible to earn the amount of money they talk about but it’s not easy or fast. 

No matter the method you use to make money online, you will have to put in the effort and time if you want to earn a substantial income.

The way to avoid scams like Digital Payday is by keeping in mind that making easy money online quickly is a concept that scammers invented to rob you blind.

I have tried many ways to earn money online and have reached the conclusion that the best way to make a job-replacing income online is to build an online business that makes you money for many years to come.

The business model I use is newbie-friendly and has given me a way to earn a consistent income month after month.

It’s a business model that takes advantage of the millions of products that are being sold online every single day, so you will not need to create your own products in order to make money.

In fact, there are many people who are using this business model to make a living online. It’s been working for many years already and it’s only getting better because everyday more products/services are being created.

I love many things about this business so I created a FREE step-by-step earn money online guide that you can read if you want to learn more:

My guide shows you what I do, how this business model works, why it works, the training and tools you need to build this business, how to get started…

And I also show you how to get started for free! Yes, not kidding, you will be able to check it all out for yourself without spending a penny.

Not only that, you will not be alone on this new adventure! You will get free help and support from me and other like-minded people =) There are many ways to get help which you will discover in my free guide!

I’m so excited for you to finally say bye to the ugly scams and get on the right way to make money online!


I hope this Digital Payday review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision. Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ? 

Best to you =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

7 thoughts on “Is Digital Payday a scam? 7 UGLY TRUTHS revealed here!

  1. Thank you, Miren. I got a phone call from digital payday last evening. They wanted $200 USD asap so I could start to make the big money. I told the caller that I needed to think about it first. He wasn’t happy but finally agreed to call me back later today. I had my suspicions and you confirmed my gut feeling about this.
    I am going to check out your website for a real, honest way to make money online.

    1. Hey Liz,

      Thanks very much for your kind words! I’m very happy that you did not fall for the Digital Payday scam.

      These scammers want their victims phone number to call them non-stop because they want to take their money as fast as possible. I remember reading a comment from someone that didn’t stop getting these annoying calls.

      I invite you to read my FREE earn money online guide here where I explain how I make money! Looking forward to helping you =)

      Have a great day 🙂

  2. As a pensioner in my 70’s I welcome your site as I have been scammed over 7 time by market traders so now every email or suspect scam I now look up Keep up the good work Cheers Ernest from New Zealand

    1. Hey Ernest,

      Sorry to hear that you have been scammed before… These people really feel no empathy or shame 🙁
      I hope you never get scammed again!

      Have a great day and take care,

  3. Thanks for your Prompt reply.
    I think I have found a site called Payback LTD that gets money back from Scammers Charge $US 350.00 plus 7% of the funds that I get back.
    I have been on web site and seem legit but I am now really wary as I had another 2 firms that when I sent them money never heard back.
    This would be a good site to check out As i do not want my limited funds to be wasted as I live from payday to payday and all my savings have now gone on the cost of living

  4. Thanks, Miren, for your review of DigitalPayday. I am glad I clicked on your link during my search. Oftentimes, folks will lead/link you to still another scam without answering the question regarding the first scam. A scam for a scam. I have seen so much since 1996!! I am leaving now to see if I can locate a review on as I have remitted payment to them.

    1. Hi Andra,

      I’m glad that you didn’t fall for this scam! That’s right, many reviewers promote scam or low-quality programs just to make a quick buck, so I’m glad that you did your due diligence. I actually wrote a review of and received a comment from someone who got scammed.

      I hope it helps, have a great day!

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