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The Ecom Formula review – Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!!

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Welcome to The Ecom Formula review!

I recently got sent an email concerning a new ClickBank product called The Ecom Formula, so I thought I would take a look to see what this is about.

If you are wondering if you should buy this product or have questions like “is The Ecom Formula a scam?” or “can I make money with The Ecom Formula?”, then you’re in the right place because I have purchased this product so this review that I’ve put together reveals the truth.

I will be going over what The Ecom Formula is about, how it really works, the training, the cost and more. 


Table of Contents

The Ecom Formula review

Name: The Ecom Formula

Website URL:

Owner: “Neil Atkinson”

Created in: 2018

Price: $37 + upsells

Overall Ranking: 3/10


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is The Ecom Formula said to be?

The moment I came across The Ecom Formula sales page I thought it was another get-rich-quick scheme or low-quality product because it looks similar to other poor quality products I have reviewed in the past.

The Ecom Formula sales page contains a sales video as the main element, a high income claim and the button to buy the product.

The fact that I noticed a lack of important information made me start feeling skeptical, but I didn’t want to come to any conclusions without trying it out. That’s why I took the time to watch the sales video and purchase the product.

According to the spokesman, The Ecom Formula is “a step-by-step program that possibly could take you from zero to success in the shortest amount of time possible”.

In other terms, The Ecom Formula is supposed to be a program that teaches you to build a profitable ecommerce store.

The spokesman tries to convince you that this is the perfect solution to achieve financial freedom online. He has supposedly earned over 2 million dollars last year only working 2 hours a day.

You don’t need any experience or special skills, you do not need to know what to sell and you don’t even need to own any stock. Sounds great, right?

And we are also shown some testimonials that have supposedly earned thousands of dollars just a few days after getting started. 

He makes it seem as if it were easy to earn $40,000 per month thanks to this program, but I can tell you right now that this is completely overhyped.

Products like this always try to get you excited to lead you to buy into it but then you realize that they don’t deliver much.


How does The Ecom Formula work?

The way this product works is very similar to how other low-quality products work.

They basically tell you what you want to hear to get you to spend a little bit of money and then they bombard you with upsells. 

Don’t get me wrong, upsells and downsells are not the problem with this product. The problem is that it doesn’t deliver much for the amount of money you pay.

The Ecom Formula is said to provide what you need to build a profitable online store in a short amount of time, but after purchasing it I got kind of disappointed because it doesn’t include much valuable training.

Yes, it’s true that there’s a lot of money to be earned through ecommerce, and there are people who have made millions from their ecommerce stores.

However, they have not used products like The Ecom Formula to build their wealth. Products like this take advantage of beginners or people who are in need of money and are looking for a fast solution to make money.


The business model

The Ecom Formula is geared towards ecommerce, as I said before.

As you might already know, ecommerce basically consists in selling products through an online store, which is like the online version of a physical store.

Throughout the years, more and more people have access to the Internet so a lot of people are taking advantage of it to sell their products.

There are currently over 3 billion people who have access to the Internet, so can you see the potential?

The Ecom Formula also mentions dropshipping, which is a type of ecommerce that doesn’t require you to have inventory or ship products, but you are in charge of customer service and refunds.


The training

To be honest, I didn’t expect to get high quality training after paying $37. I expected The Ecom Formula to be like other low-quality ClickBank products that I’ve reviewed.

This is how the members area looks like:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
The Ecom Formula members area

It looks like a complete course but the thing is, you are taken nowhere if you click on the contents. The only way to access the training is by downloading The Ecom Formula or The Ecom Formula videos from your computer or laptop. I could not download them from my smartphone.

So I downloaded them and this is what I got:

  • The Ecom Formula – 4 PDFs. The Ecom Formula Mind Map (1 page), The Ecom Formula (43 pages), The Ecom Formula Cheat Sheet (3 pages) and The Ecom Formula Resource Sheet (6 pages).
  • The Ecom Formula videos – 9 videos about the importance of ecommerce, how to start a shopify store, how to start a woocommerce store, ways to market your store…

The training is very basic and doesn’t go in-depth on any topic. Everything is theory and they don’t show you where to get started and which steps to follow, there aren’t any live videos or case studies, so it’s easy to get lost.

To be honest, the PDFs look like PLR ebooks that can be found online for free.

Another thing I don’t like is the fact that they don’t provide any traffic training. Yes, they mention the ways you can get traffic to your store like paid advertising, social networks, content marketing… but it’s only an introduction to these methods, they don’t show you exactly what to do step-by-step.

In conclusion, the training provided is not enough to earn thousands of dollars a month from an ecommerce store and if you do a little bit of research, you can find what they provide for free.


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Is The Ecom Formula a scam?

In my opinion, The Ecom Formula is not a complete scam because they provide some training for your money and you can also get a refund.

However, I know some people will call it a scam because it doesn’t live up to its promises, since the sales video is overhyped and training they deliver is not enough for beginners to build a profitable ecommerce store.

So depending on how you define a scam, The Ecom Formula may or may not be a scam to you.

With that being said, I have found some red flags that you need to be aware of because they indicate that The Ecom Formula is not as good as it appears to be.


Neil Atkinson is not the real owner of The Ecom Formula

Neil Atkinson is said to be the owner of The Ecom Formula. He claims to have been a successful affiliate marketer and has also created ecommerce stores to increase his sources of income.

He claims to own 3 mansions and a Ferrari and also shows a picture of him with his wife:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
“My wife and I”

However, I did an image search and found out that the picture above is taken from a stock video:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
Proof 1

What does this mean? The man from the picture is not Neil Atkinson, which leads me to believe that Neil Atkinson is a fictional character and everything we are told about him is fake.

The fact that the owners of The Ecom Formula lie about their identity is a red flag because this is what scammers do. Why are they hiding their identities? 

I personally don’t trust websites or products whose creators don’t show up.


Fake success stories

Remember that the spokesman claims The Ecom Formula to have helped many people make thousands of dollars?

For example, this one below:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
The Ecom Formula success story

The man that appears in the picture above has supposedly earn over 1 million dollars thanks to The Ecom Formula. 

However, I found out that he’s no millionaire and not a real member of The Ecom Formula. He’s a stock model and this picture can be found on stock photography sites like GettyImages:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
Proof 2

If The Ecom Formula were as good as the spokesman claims, they wouldn’t have had to create fake characters.


The testimonials are paid actors

After discovering that Neil Atkinson was not the real owner, I thought that the video testimonials were also fake, and I wasn’t wrong.

For example, this man below is a Fiverr actor that has appeared in other low-quality products like Kindle Sniper:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
Fake testimonial
Kindle Sniper review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
Proof 3

And this other guy has also appeared in other low-quality or scam programs like Free Ad Cash System, Mingle Cash and 30 Minute Money Methods:

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
False testimony
monaco treasure scam
Proof 4

None of these people have used The Ecom Formula to make money, they have got paid just to talk positive about it.


Lack of legal information

Another red flag is the fact that they do not provide any disclaimer, terms & conditions or privacy policy. I mean, other low-quality programs that I’ve reviewed at least provide one of the legal pages, but The Ecom Formula doesn’t provide any.

After purchasing it, they ask for your phone number in order to sign up to the members area, but they do not say what they are going to do with your information. Are they going to keep it private? Or are they going to share it with other companies?

The fact that they don’t reveal how they are going to use your information is a reason to stay away from this program. 


They don’t mention the total cost

Another thing I don’t like is the fact that they don’t mention the upsells or downsells. In my opinion, it’s important to know the total cost upfront before making a purchase and I know other people would like to know how much money they need to invest before getting involved in a money-making opportunity or business.

I mean, you wouldn’t like to buy something and then be told that you need to buy another thing to make the first item work, right?

In this case, if you purchase The Ecom Formula for $37, they will try to sell you 2 additional products:

  • The Ecom Formula Deluxe Edition ($197 / downsell $97). The spokesman claims this is responsible for making millionaires in the shortest time possible, but after seeing the low-quality training of The Ecom Formula, I decided not to purchase it.
  • The Drop Ship Formula ($97). This product is about dropshipping but I did not purchase it because I could imagine what I was getting into after watching the overhyped sales video (“earn extra $20,000 a week without having to spend money on stock”).

To add to it all, they don’t mention the hosting cost, your domain cost or even the advertising cost. Without any doubt, building an ecommerce store costs more than they tell you.


They give people false expectations

The fact that they give people fake expectations is another thing I dislike. I mean, it’s not ok to make empty promises just to make a quick buck.

For example, the email swipes they provide for affiliates are full of fake claims like “make $2400 today from eCommerce”.

The Ecom Formula review - Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!
The Ecom Formula email swipe

Making claims like this is kind of unethical because they are not true. Yes, you might make a quick buck by doing that but is it worth it for the long-term? It is not.

If you have an email list and send these kind of emails to your subscribers, they will not take you seriously and many will unsubscribe. 

The fact that the owners of The Ecom Formula have created these kind of email swipes says a lot about them. This is like telling their affiliates to deceive people just to earn a quick buck.


A newbie-friendly business model

In conclusion, I don’t recommend The Ecom Formula for several reasons that I’ve explained in this review, but you can do whatever you want.

If you want to see The Ecom Formula for yourself, then go ahead. You can at least ask ClickBank for a refund if you end up not liking it.

When it comes to making money online, there are no easy ways to earn a full-time income online and all the websites that claim to have a secret system or push button system end up being scams or products that don’t deliver much.

Another thing to take into account is the business model they are using. There isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” so you need to make sure the business model you’re going to use is sustainable for the long-term and can work for you.

In my case, I tried dropshipping a while ago and even though I made some money, I ended up leaving the business because I did not like to deal with refunds and also found a better business model for me.

This business model is newbie-friendly and has given me a way to make a consistent income month after month. In fact, this business model has been working for many years and many people are using it to make a living online.

This business model doesn’t require you to create your own products, spend money on stock, purchase the products you want to make money from or deal with customer refunds.

It allows you to earn passive income and work from wherever you want as long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection.

There are many things I love about this business model so I wouldn’t finish this post if I had to explain it all now lol. If this is something you are interested in, you can check out my FREE step-by-step earn money online guide below:

In my guide, you will find how this business works, why it works, what you need to make it work, where you can get the step-by-step training and easy-to-use tools that I’m using….

And I also show you how to get started for free! Yes, that’s right, you don’t need to spend a dime to get started.

In addition, you will also see how you can get help and support from me, experts and other like-minded people who are on the same path as you. 

If you are willing to put in the work and follow the step-by-step training that I and other people are using, then I believe you can achieve success in this business! 

I’m so excited for you to say bye to the low-quality/scam programs and start building your future today =)


I hope this The Ecom Formula review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision. Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ? 

Best wishes =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

6 thoughts on “The Ecom Formula review – Is it a scam? 6 RED FLAGS revealed!!

  1. Miren, you have done a great job of digging out this concrete information to enlighten people like me. Thank you very much for caring for others who need solution to their financial problem. It a great relief to people like me.
    But, I’m wondering why people would like to take advantage of the less informed and lead them astray. Are they only driven by just money?
    No wonder the business is less than a year old. That alone is making me take your word for it.

    1. Hi there,

      Glad that this review was helpful to you, it means a lot! =) 

      Unfortunately, there are unethical people who only care about themselves and don’t care about the harm they do to others… If they put themselves in other people’s shoes, they wouldn’t be trying to make money at other people’s expenses.

      Anyway, thanks for dropping by! Have a great day =)


  2. Hi Miren,

    Thank you kindly for your review and warning regardin the ecom formula. I am interested in genuine e-commerce – particularly drop shipping, but I am stuck as where to start.

    You mentioned that you gave it a shot, appreciated if you had some training in regards to this that you have either tried yourself or very much recommend.

    1. Hi Derek,

      You’re very welcome! Happy to hear that you found this review helpful =)

      Yes, I tried dropshipping a while ago but quitted because I came to the conclusion that affiliate marketing had more benefits. 

      The training platform where I learned dropshipping is in Spanish, so I suggest that you look for dropshipping courses on Udemy, there are plenty of courses that have a good rating!

      Have a great day 🙂


  3. Hallo there Miren,

    Your article has been really helpful to me. I was told that ecom formula was a really great program and I also thought the same until I actually got into it.

    I saw very familiar faces on the testimonials page, and now you have confirmed they are paid actors, I remember the freelance site that I saw them on.

    The owners of ecom have no integrity and I don’t see the need of working them.

    1. Hi Dave,

      I’m very glad to hear that you found The Ecom Formula review helpful!

      Yes, unethical marketers like the owners of this product usually pay these Fiverr actors to create fake testimonies and lure innocent people in.

      Thanks for dropping by! Best to you =)


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