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Welcome to my review!

Is InstantDollars a scam that will waste your time? Or is it a legit influencer network that will pay you? Should you give it a try?

No matter the questions you have, here you have all the answers that will clear your doubts. 

You know, the Internet is full of frauds and they come in different forms, so I’m happy to see that you’re doing your due diligence.

That’s the way to avoid scams and find the legitimate method to make passive income every single day

Before revealing the truth about InstantDollars, you need to know that here you will not find any referral link because I’m not trying to recruit you.

Instead of that, here you will find everything that is hiding from you. Ready to know the complete truth?


Table of Contents review summary

Name: InstantDollars

Website URL:

Founder: Hidden

Created in: March 2020

Cost: Free to join (but it can end up costing you money)

Best for: The founder

Do I recommend it? No, it’s not cool!


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is about?

InstantDollars (found at claims to be the #1 influencer network.

According to the info on their site, you can make $10-$15 per referral and $25 after signing up.

They even claim you can earn $500 or today, which sounds awesome but very unrealistic at the same time.

As someone who has reviewed hundreds of websites, I can say that the ones that claim you can make money fast without doing much work tend to be scams.

There are too many sites that promise you the world but end up giving nothing. When something sounds too good to be true, it ends up being a scam or something that doesn’t work as advertised.

You see, if making hundreds or thousands of dollars in little time was that easy, don’t you think that there would be lots of people quitting their jobs every day? 

If really worked, many people wouldn’t be struggling financially. There would be people who would get rich easily and there would be more people living their dream lifestyles. 

The fact that InstantDollars is free to join is one of the reasons why there are people who sign up without thinking twice, they think it’s risk-free.

But I can confirm that it’s more dangerous than it seems. It’s exactly the same as these other scam sites I have exposed:


How really operates does not work in a way that can benefit you.

In other terms, Instantdollars won’t help you make money because it does not pay. 

The only ones who make money are the owners of InstantDollars. They want you to believe you’ll get paid but they’re the only ones who profit.

In other terms, they’re using your efforts and your time to make money themselves, which is unacceptable.

If you sign up, you will see $25 in your account balance, and that amount will increase as you get referrals and clicks. It will also increase if you complete the tasks and surveys.

However, the problem is that that amount of money is not real, it’s fake. The whole scheme is designed in a way that can make you believe you’re making money, but in reality it’s not real money. 

How do I know it’s not real? Well, InstantDollars cannot work the way they tell you.

First of all, there’s no way they can afford to pay $2 for each person who clicks your link because the owners of are not getting paid when other people visit their site. There are no ads on their site, so there’s no way they get paid for visits.

Second of all, they cannot pay $10 or $15 per referral because no one pays to sign up. So it makes no sense to pay members if the owners are not making money when people register.

Third of all, they will not pay $30 per task because they’re not making that kind of money when members complete tasks. Companies don’t even pay $10 per task, so you cannot expect to get paid.

The reason they claim you can make that kind of money is that they want you to complete the tasks because that’s how these scammers make money.


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The real goal of

The reason why exists is for its creators to make money themselves.

Yes, all businesses need to make money to its owners, but the problem is that companies like make money at other people’s expenses.

They want you to promote this platform because they want to reach as many people as possible. 

The more people who sign up, the more data they collect and the more money they can get.

Once they have collected a big list of emails, names and passwords, they will sell it to other fraudsters and spammers. If you gave them your main email address, you can expect to receive lots of spam.

But that’s not all! They will also use your password and email combination to hack your personal accounts, like your gmail or paypal. These scammers do the most to make as much money as possible.

Apart from that, you need to be careful with the tasks to complete because they require you to visit fraudulent websites that ask for more information, and they also require you to download apps that can harm your device.

Those tasks are a waste of energy because they can leave you without money, they can put you in a position where some scammers steal your identity and they definitely waste your time because they don’t pay.

The con artists behind InstantDollars only care about making money themselves. They don’t care about their members.


The owners are not honest

If the owners of cared about members, don’t you think they would be honest about who they really are?

They would definitely be transparent about their identities. They would also mention how you and other members can contact them for help and support.

Yes, they provide an email address, but the problem is that this email address is not real. If you send them a message, they will not receive it because that email address does not exist.

In my opinion, the owners of don’t want to hear from their members because they only care about making money themselves.

They want your personal information but they don’t reveal anything real about themselves, don’t you think it’s unfair? I personally wouldn’t give my info to people who are not transparent.

And what about their location? They claim to be located in Houston, but they don’t reveal the street number or anything that can help us know where they’re located. is not legal

Something important to consider is the fact that does not provide any legal page (privacy policy, disclaimer, terms & conditions).

The fact that they don’t reveal how they will use your data or what their rules are is a big red flag that indicate InstantDollars is not operating in a legal way.

Any legitimate company would at least provide one of those pages, so whenever you see a website or company not disclosing this legal information, run away! 

From my experience, I have noticed that companies that don’t provide legal information tend to sell and use people’s information for unethical reasons.

So, this is another reason why is not to be trusted.


Fake payment proofs has some payment proofs and testimonials, but the problem is that they’re completely fake. 

How do I know? Well, the testimonials don’t provide anything that indicates they have made money, they don’t even provide a picture of themselves. 

And when it comes to the payment proofs, they’re photoshopped and invented. They’re not real because they’re prior to the existence of

Yes, Instantdollars claims to have started in 2015, but that’s a total lie because InstantDollars didn’t even exist in 2019!

According to whois, the domain name was registered in February 28th 2020, which indicates that it’s a new website.

As you can see, there’s no way has paid members because people could not get paid by a company that didn’t exist.

If paid members, they wouldn’t need to use fake payment proofs, don’t you think? That’s why I’m 100% sure that does not pay.

Beware of the fake YouTube videos that are being used to promote, since those members have been lied to and are only promoting instantdollars because they think they will get paid.


Is a scam?

After everything I have found and explained, it’s clear that is not an influencer network or a website that can be trusted. is not even on social media, which is another red flag because it indicates that it does not practice what it preaches.

This platform has too many red flags, here’s a reminder:

  • Lack of info about the owners
  • Fake company story
  • Fake payment proofs
  • Invented testimonials
  • Lack of legal information
  • High income claims
  • Lack of positive reviews
  • No social media presence
  • It looks like other known scam sites

I also want to point out that the payment confirmations they send are completely fake. The scammers behind this platform send payment confirmations to lead members to believe that they will get paid, but the day comes and nobody gets paid. Members wait and wait until they realize that they will never get paid.

Websites like are not only bad for your finances, they are also bad for your emotional health and your relationships because they can leave you feeling frustrated, hopeless, sad, guilty for having told others to join…

I personally won’t be wasting my energy on because it wouldn’t benefit me in any way and don’t want anyone to get ripped off.

What you decide to do is up to you but I have to conclude that I do not recommend


Stop wasting time! Here’s how to make online money every day!

If you want to make money by completing surveys or tasks, you could earn about $1 per day, which I believe that is not worth your time.

When I was getting started, I tried a few survey sites but I looked somewhere else because there’s not much money to be earned with surveys, not to mention that I got frustrated every time I got disqualified.

The truth is that you can earn more with your 9 to 5 job than with paid surveys or tasks. That’s why I don’t recommend surveys or GPT sites to people who are looking to make an income online.

If you have wasted time on a fake site like InstantDollars, it’s time for you to take action to accomplish your goals.

You know, you cannot get your wasted time back, so it’s important to make sure that your next efforts go towards a real way to make you money.

I’m not going to say that you don’t need to work or make efforts because I would be lying, and I hate lies. 

The truth is that if you put in the time and effort, you can make your dream a reality! The business I’m using is called affiliate marketing, which is about helping people find solutions to their problems, and if they purchase something that can help them, I earn commissions.

I’m living proof this business works, as you can see in one of my payment proofs:

Income Magnet review income proof

Why am I showing this? Because I don’t want those scammers to make you lose hope, I want you to see with your eyes what’s possible.

If you’re committed to making passive income, I invite you to check out my FREE guide here:

My guide is FREE (no login information required, just click here to start reading it), which means that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain 🙂

Oh, and what if you ever have questions or need support? No problem! I’m not like those scam artists because I’m honest about who I am and I also show you how you can message me. 

If you read my free guide until the end, you will learn how you can get started today for free, what training and tools I’ve used, the reasons this method works, proof that it works and so on. 

Stop wasting your time on data harvesting scams and get your affiliate marketing biz started today!

I will leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will find it useful!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions about or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you all!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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