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Affiliate Cash Club Review – SCAM exposed? HIDDEN TRUTH revealed!

Affiliate Cash Club review scam
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Welcome to my Affiliate Cash Club review!

Have you been asking yourself if you can earn $4K per day with this system? Or is a scam that you need to stay away from?

I’m glad that you are here because this honest review is going to show you the complete truth about this system.

The Internet is plagued with fraudulent websites, so doing your due diligence is the way to avoid scams and discover the legit way to generate residual income online!

When it comes to Affiliate Cash Club, there’s some important information that they are hiding from you so keep reading to discover everything they haven’t told you.


Table of Contents

Affiliate Cash Club review

Name: Affiliate Cash Club

Website URL:

Owner: “Jordan Mathews”

Launched in: March 2019

Price: $37 + upsells

Recommended? No


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is Affiliate Cash Club about?

The sales page for Affiliate Cash Club looks very similar to other sales pages I have come across in the past, which is something that I didn’t like because these kind of sales pages are being used to promote low-quality products.

But I didn’t want to think this one was like the others, so I took the time to look deep into it and do intensive research.

According to the spokesman, you are lucky because you have the chance to get access to a done-for-you system that has been turning ordinary individuals into millionaires.

Thanks to this revolutionary system, people who didn’t have any previous experience or special skills have apparently been making up to $35,000 per month. Sounds cool?

It’s very easy to get excited when he shows his income proofs and claims that it’s so easy to replicate his success. 

Also, the fact that this system supposedly only requires you to work 10 minutes a day sounds like a dream come true, don’t you agree?

The spokesman also mentions that there are lots of scammers out there who do the most to take your hard-earned money, which is true.

But he’s acting the same way as those scammers he talks about because he’s basically showing what you would like to see and saying what you would like to hear.

Everything he says sounds too good to be true to me, since I know that making money online is not easy or fast. You can ask any experienced & ethical Internet entrepreneur about this and they will say that there’s no shortcut to success.

After watching the complete sales video and doing my homework, I have concluded that Affiliate Cash Club is no different than these other ClickBank products:


RECOMMENDED: Check Out My FREE Earn Money Online Guide Here!


How Affiliate Cash Club really works

Affiliate Cash Club does not work the way “Jordan” claims because it’s not a system that can turn you into a millionaire.

If you purchase this product, you will not get the kind of training that can help you earn thousands of dollars online without doing much work.

Truth be told, there are no push-button systems or secret websites that can help you make a lot of money within a short period of time. Whoever claims you can earn quick or easy cash is trying to steal your hard-earned money.

If you buy Affiliate Cash Club, you will receive some guides and video training about making money with affiliate marketing, which is a legitimate business model that I personally use to earn passive income every day.

As an affiliate marketer, you will be earning commissions when people to buy products or services through your affiliate links. The more traffic you get to your affiliate links, the more income you generate.

The concept is pretty simple: you help other companies or individuals make sales and you get compensated.

However, it still takes work and time. Depending on the method you use to drive traffic, it can take you more time or money.

For example, if you want to get traffic fast, you need to invest money in paid advertising (solo ads, Facebook ads, Google Adwords…), which is highly risky because there’s no guarantee that you will make your money back. This is definitely the way that can make you lose more money, so I only recommend it to people who have a lot of money to invest.

Another way to get traffic to your affiliate offers is by creating content that sends you free traffic to your website. This method takes a lot of time, but it’s less risky so I believe this is better for people who are on a low budget.

If you don’t have much time to invest, you can hire some people to get the tasks done. But you still need a minimum budget to do this.

As you can see, there’s no way you can work only 10 minutes a day and earn thousands of dollars. Building an online business requires you to invest a lot of time or a lot of money.

Before thinking of making money, you need to focus on building an audience, which takes time and money. That’s why, if you are starting from zero, it’s not possible to start earning money the first week or the first month. There are lots of factors to take into account when it comes to achieving success.

If making thousands of dollars online was as easy as “Jordan” claims, don’t you think that most people wouldn’t be working in jobs they hate?

So don’t be fooled by scammers who tell you what you would like to hear! 


Who’s the owner of Affiliate Cash Club?

According to the sales page, Jordan Mathews is the name of the creator of Affiliate Cash Club.

He claims to have made over $2,000,000 in the last 4 years, but I doubt it for several reasons.

First of all, he doesn’t show his face and doesn’t even show any picture related to his life experiences. So how can we know if he’s a real person?

Second of all, he doesn’t mention how we can contact him or whether he has a website or social media accounts. This is a red flag because it means that he’s not showing much interest in helping us with our questions or doubts.

Third of all, there’s a little note at the end of the sales page that states Jordan Mathews is a pen name, which means that the real owner is hiding his name.

I have reviewed lots of ClickBank products that don’t mention the name of the creator, and they all have turned out to be products that don’t live up to their promises.

You see, when a product or website is really awesome, the owners are enough proud to reveal their identities. But when something is not as good as advertised, the people behind it don’t show up because they don’t want to face the consequences of scamming.


Are people making money with this system?

According to the sales video, this system has changed many people’s lives because it has allowed them to make up to $35,000 per month.

However, the truth is that the people who appear in the sales video are not genuine testimonials. They are paid testimonies, which means that they haven’t tried this product.

There’s a freelancing website called Fiverr, where you can find people who sell video testimonials for as little as $5, which is no big deal for the con artists.

Just take a look at this proof here:

Fake testimonial

This guy has appeared in various sales pages for other ClickBank products, such as The Ecom Formula, Kindle Sniper or AZ Sniper.

The fact that they have used fake testimonials to make you believe that it works is a big red flag, since it’s an indication that there might not be any purchasers who have made money with this product.

In fact, Affiliate Cash Club has recently come out, so it’s still too soon for members to achieve financial success because building a successful affiliate marketing business doesn’t happen within a short period of time.


RECOMMENDED: Learn How I Make a 4-Digit Monthly Income Here!


Can you make thousands of dollars by only spending $37?

Affiliate Cash Club is marketed in a way that can lead you to believe you only need to spend $37 to start making the kind of money they talk about.

The truth is, once you have made the payment, you will see some pricey upsells waiting for you. 

How do I know it? I checked out their page for affiliates and it says that affiliates can make up to $844 per sale, which means that it must cost waaay more than $37. 

I personally don’t like products that don’t contain information about the total cost because this is something important to consider before making a final decision.

Not only that, you also need to take into account other costs that come with building this business, such as hosting, a domain name for your website, advertising costs…


What you need to know about your personal data

In case you don’t buy Affiliate Cash Club but give them your email address, you can expect them to send you emails concerning this product or similar products.

Also, they will share your personal information with coaching partners a.k.a. other marketers or con artists, which means that you can expect to get some spam emails.

Affiliate Cash Club privacy policy

You see, these people do the most to get as much money as possible.


Is Affiliate Cash Club a scam?

Whether you call Affiliate Cash Club a scam or not is up to you. Not everyone sees this product with the same eyes.

If you take into consideration that you get some training for your money, then it would not be a scam.

But if you based your opinion on the fact that the sales presentation is very misleading and full of lies, it would be fine to call Affiliate Cash Club a scam.

It’s completely possible to make money with affiliate marketing, and you might learn something from the training that helps you make money, but there’s nothing guaranteed.

After all, there’s no product or website that you can use as if it was an ATM machine, so forget about making money fast.

Just because it’s online, it doesn’t mean that making money is faster than if it was offline. Anything worth achieving in life takes time and effort.

In my opinion, it’s just like many of the low-quality products I have reviewed. It’s not a complete scam because it’s sold on ClickBank, which means that you can get a refund in case you buy it but end up not liking it.

With that said, products like this are the ones that give a bad reputation to the Internet marketing industry, since they give false expectations to people who are starting out. So many of the people who get scammed end up losing hope when it comes to making money online.

Because of this and everything I have mentioned before, I have to conclude that I do not recommend Affiliate Cash Club.


How to get started as an affiliate marketer

If you are serious about building a successful affiliate marketing business, you need to keep in mind that you need to be willing to learn, take action and never give up.

There’s a moment in the Affiliate Cash Club sales video where you are told that you don’t need any website, which is not true.

I mean, you can earn money without a website, but having a website is crucial for your business because it’s an important element for your foundation.

A website that you own can never be taken away from you, which is not what you get with a done-for-you system that makes you dependent.

I’m very grateful that I discovered this business model because it’s given me a way to earn a 4-digit monthly income online while helping others.

That’s right, I don’t need to lie to anyone to make money. It’s possible to make money in an ethical way. 

There are days that I have earned over $200, which is so cool! Just take a look at the screenshot below:

Income Magnet review income proof

I want to be completely honest with you, so I’m going to prove that I’m a real person. My name is Miren Ribera and we can connect on Facebook or Instagram.

Spring Profits review miren

As you can see, I’m not hiding behind a pen name like the owner of Affiliate Cash Club does. 

With the right training and tools, I believe that anyone can build a thriving affiliate marketing business.

There are lots of people who have started with no experience or skills and now are making a full-time income. This business model has been working for decades and people from all over the world are using it, so it doesn’t matter how old you are or what language you speak.

When it comes to building this business, you will have fun because you will be talking and writing about something you love. You will definitely not get bored =)

There’s a lot to say about this business, so I invite you to check out my FREE guide here:

In my free guide, you will learn the method I followed, the training and tools I used, how I got started, real success stories from Internet entrepreneurs who started from zero…

Want to know what’s awesome? You will discover what I exactly do to drive visitors to my website for free! That’s right, you will not have to spend any penny on getting traffic!

Oh, and did I tell you that you can start today for free? Thanks to the place I show you in my guide, you will be able to determine whether this business is right for you risk-free!

I really appreciate the messages that I’ve been getting lately.  This message you can read below is from one of the +3,500 people who have decided to join me: scam wa message

And now let me ask you: Will you keep wasting your time on low-quality/scam systems that don’t work? Or will you start building your affiliate marketing business today?

I’m so excited for you to get on the proper track to build your passive income stream! In my guide you will also see how you can receive my personal help and get answers to the many questions you will probably have 🙂


I hope this Affiliate Cash Club review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Don’t hesitate share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, please feel free to leave your thoughts below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ?

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

One thought on “Affiliate Cash Club Review – SCAM exposed? HIDDEN TRUTH revealed!

  1. Hi, I commend your effort in putting this together to share with us. I read through the review of affiliate cash club, I discovered it is worth given a trial but unfortunately I have been a victim of scammers in the past which I lost huge amount of money and ever since I have zero my mind to anything online business. But your review may have changed my mind. I have bookmarked this page to read back again. You did well, thanks. 

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