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Home > Avoid scams > Review – SCAM exposed? UNTOLD TRUTH here! Review – SCAM exposed? UNTOLD TRUTH here! review scam
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Welcome to my review!

Have you tried to make money with Are you wondering if it’s a scam? Or will you really get paid?

No matter the questions you have about, I’m glad that you have found this review because here I reveal what you need to know about this platform.

There are too many frauds out there, so I need to congratulate you on taking the time to do your own research.

That’s how you can avoid scams and find the legit way to earn passive income every day!

When it comes to, the truth is that it doesn’t work as advertised and I can prove it to you. 

Just for your information, this review doesn’t contain any referral link, so you can rest assured knowing that I’m not promoting

My purpose with this post is to help you decide whether is right for you or not.


Table of Contents review


Website URL:

Owner: Unknown

Cost: Free to join

Best for: The owner

Recommended? No


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make a 4-digit monthly passive income HERE!


What is about? is a site that claims you can earn money by viewing ad units and getting other people to join.

They claim to pay you 10 cents per ad unit, so 10 ads would be $1. It doesn’t sound complicated because if it was real, you could easily earn $100 per day.

According to them, you can easily earn $50-$300 per day if you spend 3-5 hours working on this. 

In my opinion, it sounds too good to be true, especially knowing that making money online is not that easy.

And when it comes to referrals, they claim you can get paid 50% of their earnings, which makes no sense to me.

I mean, are they taking your referrals’ earnings just to give them to you? Where do the rest of their earnings come from? 

They’re not even being transparent about the way they can afford to do this. There’s a lack of important info in the site that leads me to believe it doesn’t really work.

The truth is that they want you to believe you can make money when in reality they’re not paying their members. is no different than these other sites I have exposed in the past:

There are too many fraudulent sites like this one, so I have already lost the count because new scam sites are coming out each week.


Can you really make money with

The truth is that you cannot expect to make any money with because this site was not designed to help you.

Instead of making you money, was created to help its owners profit at your expense.

Yes, it’s free to join, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a scam. They’re not asking you any money to join because that’s how many people don’t think it’s a scam.

If people don’t suspect, they will more than likely sign up to see if it works.

Unfortunately, many people realize they have been ripped off when it’s too late.

When you view those ad units, they’re not really getting paid because they’re not affiliated with the websites they mention. 

Because of this, it makes no sense to pay 10 cents per ad. Yes, 10 cents is not that much but if everyone views lots of ads, there will be members who accumulate hundreds & thousands of dollars in their accounts.

So how can they afford to pay thousands of dollars to their members if is not making any money when members view ads? 

And when it comes to referrals, how can they pay 50% of their earnings? Everyone joins for free, no one pays to join. So where does the money come from?

There’s no way they can pay the amount of money they claim. It doesn’t work that way.


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What does want from you?

Their real purpose is to get your personal & financial information to profit at your expense.

First of all, signing up requires you to give away your email address, name and password. After joining, they immediately collect that information.

After that, they try to convince you to tell others to join because they want as many members as possible. The more people who sign up, the more info they get.

Once they have collected a lot of info, they sell it to other cybercriminals and con artists, who will do the same.

If you have given them your email address, you can expect them to send you spam emails or anything that can give your device viruses. You can also expect to receive some sales calls or messages from strangers.

And that’s not all! They’re also putting you at a risk for identity theft. The more unethical people who know your identity, the worse it can get.

In addition, they will also try to hack your personal accounts. They will take advantage of the information they have to access your other accounts like your email account or paypal. 

If you’re one of those people who have tried to cash out, you may have realized that they ask you to get more referrals. 

Please don’t fall for this! They want you to get more referrals because they want more people to fall for their scam. And they even offer you to buy referrals in case you don’t want to wait until having more referrals.

This is where they try to “get” you! Buying referrals requires you to give away your credit card information, which is what they need to scam you even harder.

And this is when most members realize they have been scammed, since they get their accounts deleted just after making the payment. scam signs exposed!

Apart from the fact that there are too many sites that look identical to, there are more red flags that you need to be aware of.


No info about the owners

There’s no information about the owners of, which doesn’t really surprise me because most scam sites never reveal their owners’ identities. 

In this case, the site doesn’t have any pictures or names. There’s nothing that can help us determine who’s running this site.

The fact that they’re not transparent about their identities is something that indicates they’re trying to hide something from us.

Scam artists usually hide who they are because they don’t want to get caught or sued.


Fake news section

When it comes to the news section you can find in the main page, it’s completely fake.

Fake news section

These news have been invented because this platform didn’t exist back in August 2019 or before. 

According to a reputable source, the domain name was registered in October 11th 2019. So it’s only been a week (as of this review) since was created.

You can see what I mean here:

This is indeed a red flag because it’s an indication that their claims are not real. I believe they lie about the news because they want members to believe that they’ve been around for a long time.


Lack of support

Another thing I have noticed is that they don’t mention any email address or any phone number.

They don’t even say if they are on social media or not. There’s a lack of information when it comes to support.

Yes, they claim you can ask a question or post a comment in a section where you can find some comments.

But the problem is that you cannot post anything without signing up. So it’s clear that they first want you to give away your information. 

This is a big red flag because it’s an indication that they just care about getting people’s information. 

If they cared about helping their members, they would give you another option to get support, don’t you think?

Apart from that, I want to point out that the comments haven’t been written by real members. All those comments are invented and I know it because I’ve seen them in the other copies of this scam. 


Is a scam?

In my opinion, is a scam because it doesn’t live up to its promises and also tries to profit at your expense.

They want your information to sell it and steal your identity, and they also want to get your financial information to steal all your money.

I personally won’t be wasting my time and effort on this platform for these reasons:

  • It won’t help me make money
  • It’s a waste of time
  • It only works for the con artists
  • I don’t want other people to get scammed

And that’s not all! Scams like this are also bad for your emotional health. Many of the people who’ve been telling others to join, end up feeling guilty and ashamed of themselves.

So what you decide to do is up to you, but I have found too many reasons to conclude that I highly do not recommend


Here’s something that can make you real money

If you’re tired of scams and fake programs that don’t work, you need to keep in mind that there’s real work to get done.

No matter the way you try to make money online, you will have to put in the effort and time. All sites that claim you can earn easy money fast end up being scams that don’t work.

When I realized it, I stopped wasting my time on frauds. I’m glad that I found a newbie-friendly business model that really works.

This business model is what has allowed me to earn passive income every day. Here’s some proof:

Income Magnet review income proof

I believe that anyone who’s committed to following a step-by-step training can make this happen. It doesn’t matter the experience or skills you have because many of us have started as complete beginners.

This has nothing to do with MLM, recruiting or pyramid schemes. This is a legit business model that allows you to earn money from other people’s products and services. You will be able to choose the products/services you want to profit from =)

If you’re willing to take action, I invite you to read my FREE guide here:

My guide is FREE (no login information required, just click here to start reading it), which means that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain 🙂

Oh, and don’t you worry if you ever get stuck or need help! I’m not like those scammers because I’m honest about who I am and I also tell you how you can message me.

In my free guide you will learn how you can get answers to your questions and support from me and other like-minded people.

Stop wasting your time on fraudulent sites and start your online business today!

I will leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you all!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

2 thoughts on “ Review – SCAM exposed? UNTOLD TRUTH here!

  1. Thanks for this great article. I have not heard of Olumoney xyz until now, but it sounds like it has many of the signs of an online scam. Recently i came across Golden Signals – do you think that is a scam? Its good to do a lot of research before giving out personal information or even trying one of these things because it might be a scam. Consumers have to protect themselves and develop filters to help avoid scams. For example the red flags you mentioned like no information about the owners, and fake news, would both be red flags. Thanks for your article, have a good day.

  2. This is a very good post here. I didn’t think that you will be able to come up with so many red flags with a platform that claims to be free. I think that i have come across other platforms like this one too that has so many claims saying one can make so much in a day meanwhile the truth is that there is not so much to make or nothing at all. I have always wondered what all this scam platforms wanted. Now i understand that they want to sell peoples personal information. Thank you for this review.

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