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Home > Avoid scams > SCAM [review] – AVOID the FAKE Eazy Dollars reviews! SCAM [review] – AVOID the FAKE Eazy Dollars reviews! scam review
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Will scam you? Or is it different than other scams? Welcome to my Eazy Dollars review!

I have found some Eazy Dollars reviews online, but I have realized that they are fake because they all claim is legit.

I’m glad that you have found this post because here you will find all the answers to the questions you have about

I need to congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research because that’s the way to avoid scams and find the genuine way to earn a full-time income online!

The truth is that this review is different than the others because I’m not here to promote Eazy Dollars. Here you will not find any referral link.

Instead of that, here you will find how Eazy Dollars really works and what others are hiding from you.


Table of Contents

Eazy Dollars review summary

Name: Eazy Dollars


Owner: Hidden

Best for: The owner

Price: Free to register (but it can get very expensive)

Recommended? No, it’s a scam!


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What is said to be?

Eazy Dollars is said to be the #1 influencer network, but this is something I’ve heard in multiple scams I have recently exposed.

They say that you can make $10 per referral, $2 per every link click and that you can also make money by completing simple tasks.

The fact that is free to join is something that makes this site look like it’s legit. 

I mean, how could it be a scam if they aren’t asking you for money?

Apart from that, they claim you earn $25 for signing up. So are they giving away $25 for free?

The answer is no. If you join, you’ll see that you cannot withdraw those $25 dollars you allegedly earn.

They also claim you can make $50 if you upload a YouTube video where you promote Eazy Dollars. I’ve actually seen some people do this because they think they will get paid.

Truth is, no one is getting paid. Eazy Dollars is no different than other scams like CloutPay, MVPBucks, CloutBucks, ReferralPay, ViralMarket… There are so many scams like this.

If you are reading this, please do yourself a favor and avoid the fake reviews like the YouTube videos that members are uploading. 

Anyone can say that Eazy Dollars is legit but none of them can prove it. They don’t provide any real proofs!

All the stats on the Eazy Dollars website are fake. If they have paid $55 million dollars to their members, why haven’t I seen any real proofs yet?

The ugly truth is that they haven’t paid any members, not to mention that there aren’t even 250,000 members. They have these fake stats on their site to gain credibility.

And that’s not all! They aren’t even working with companies like McDonald’s, Burger King or Dunkin’ Donuts. Don’t be fooled by the logos you see on their site!


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How the scam really works

The scam works to make money to the unethical marketers who have created it. They want you to promote their site so that they can profit.

In other terms, they are using your time and effort to get money themselves, which is the same as if you worked for someone for free.

First of all, it makes no sense that they pay $10 per referral because no one is paying to join. Joining is free, so where does the money come from?

They aren’t working with any top brands so they definitely do not get paid when you refer other people to their site.

What they’re actually doing is to work with other unethical marketers, hackers or scammers that want your personal information.

The owner/s of EazyDollars tell you to refer other people because they want as many people as possible to sign up. That’s how they can collect lots of email addresses & passwords.

Once they have a big list of personal info, they use it to profit as much as possible.

For example, they sell your info to other unethical individuals who also want your info to profit themselves. Scammers sell information to other scammers, who will do the same. It’s a never-ending cycle.

Apart from that, they will also use your passwords and emails, and whatever information you provide them with to steal your accounts.

For example, if you give them your PayPal email address, they can use it and your password to see if they can get access to your account and steal your money.

I know they do this because this is what they have done to other people who have fallen for scams like this. That’s why it’s important that you add extra protection to your accounts. 

These scammers do the most to get as much money as humanly possible.

I also think it’s worth mentioning that their $30 task wall is more dangerous than it first seems. The task wall is full of offers that require you to do things like visiting porn sites, downloading files infected with malware, giving away your phone number or credit card number… I think you get the point.

The reason they want you to complete those tasks is that they get paid when you complete them. But they don’t get paid as much as $30, so it wouldn’t make sense that they paid you $30 per task.


The testimonials and payment proofs are fake

If you have taken a look at the testimonials or payment proofs on the Eazy Dollars website, you have probably noticed that they are all positive.

The problem is that these comments and income proofs are fake. There are no photos of the testimonials and they don’t even mention if they are in social media.

I mean, if they are influencers, why don’t they mention or provide a link to their social media profiles?? It’s clear that those comments are invented, so don’t take them seriously.

And when it comes to the payment proofs, they are totally fabricated. Those tweets aren’t from real members and those screenshots aren’t real.

How do I know it? As I told you, Eazy Dollars is no different than other scams I have seen. I have found out that they are using the same fake payment proofs.

For example, this Viral Market (a scam like Eazy Dollars) payment proof & tweet is the same I found on the Eazy Dollars site.

They only changed the logo from Viral Market to Eazy Dollars. 

See the similarities? They didn’t even change the payment date lol. It’s obviously fake.


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Lack of support

If I asked you about the names of the owners of Eazy Dollars, would you know them? Maybe not?

I personally don’t know the identities of the creators of because they don’t provide any information about them, not to mention that they are using a service to remain anonymous.

This is indeed a scam sign because it means they don’t want us to know who we are dealing with. There’s a reason they are hiding behind a screen and that reason is that they don’t want to face the consequences of scamming people.

Just the fact that they provide a fake email address is enough for me not to trust them. I sent them an email because I had some questiosn and I got the mail delivery subsystem, since their email address does not exist.

A legitimate company wouldn’t lie about their contact information, don’t you agree? It’s clear that Eazy Dollars don’t want to hear from you. scam – Stay away from it is a scam that will not make you any money.

I don’t know about you, but I would never trust people who have fake information on their website: fake contact information, fake testimonials, fake payment proofs, fake claims… 

Is there something about Eazy Dollars that’s not fake?

I’m sure that the members who have uploaded YouTube videos to promote Eazy Dollars haven’t told you about these details. 

I hope they do their own research anf find my review to realize that they are wasting their precious energy.

The unethical owners behind Eazy Dollars are the same individuals behind other scams like CloutPay, which has left a lot of people frustrated and disappointed. 

Lots of people were counting on that money to pay their bills or help their family members, not to mention that some of them got their money stolen from their PayPal & bank accounts. So I’m very sorry for them.

What these scammers are doing is unacceptable and very cruel. It’s not ok to play with people’s feelings just to get money. I don’t understand how they can sleep at night.

If you have fallen for the scam, I recommend that you stop wasting your time and warn other people. 

My final conclusion is that it’s best to stay away from EazyDollars.


If you’re willing to take action, read this

There are so many scams like Eazy Dollars, but the good news is that there are legitimate money-making opportunities too.

If you want to avoid the frauds and find the legit sites, you need to keep in mind that making an income online takes time and work.

You see, if making money online was easy, many many people would quit jobs they hate. So it’s clear that this is like anything worth achieving in life, it takes commitment and effort.

I’m glad that I found a business model that has allowed me to earn passive income every single day.

It’s a newbie-business model that allows you to make money from other people’s products & services, so you don’t need to spend time on creating your own stuff.

I’m living proof that this business works, as you can see:

Income Magnet review income proof

This business is not MLM and has nothing to do with recruiting. It’s all about helping people while writing & talking about a topic you love.

If you’re interested in learning how this business works, I invite you to read my free guide here:

You see, my guide is FREE (just click here to start reading it), that’s how you can make sure this business is right for you for 0 risk! You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain =)

Stop wasting your time on ugly scams and start your online business today!

I’ll leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this Eazy Dollars review has been useful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions or would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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