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Hey everyone!

Looking at or DollarsTrue and wondering if you can make money easily? Or are you skeptical and wondering if these websites are a big scam that will waste your time?

I’ve come across many websites like these and have noticed that there are too many of them and they constantly change their names to prevent potential victims from finding the truth in reviews like mine.

I decided to write a post to expose both and because they’re clones and work exactly the same way.

I will explain what these sites are about, how they operate, the red flags I’ve found and more.


Table of Contents and review





Owners: Unknown

Price: Free 

Overall Rating: 0/5


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is and

WeEmploy sounds like a site where you can find jobs, but the truth is that there are no jobs available at

What about DollarsTrue? It sounds like a site that can help you make some dollars, right? 

Well, after having come across many websites like these, I can assure you that these two sites are not reliable money-making opportunities. Yes, they are a complete scam, just like I mentioned in the title of this post.

So, in my opinion, a good name for would be and DollarsFake would be more accurate than DollarsTrue. Lol

Okay, let’s see what these websites claim and why they’re a complete fraud.

According to them, you are going to make money very easily. All you have to do is to get people to click on your referral link and then you’ll earn $10. This is the small task they talk about in their homepage.

You get a $25 bonus after joining, which really gets you excited because it looks like you’ve earned money very very easily.

Then you can start sharing your referral link on Facebook, Twitter, forums, blogs, chats… wherever you can think of.

When someone clicks on your link, your account balance will keep going up and up, which will get you more and more excited to share your referral link.

You will be like “I can’t wait to reach $300 and get paid”, so you will keep sharing your link like crazy until reaching the minimum payout threshold of $300. 

Then a button to cash out will appear, so you will click it thinking that you’re going to receive the payment.

However, this button will tell you to complete a fake captcha test, which is a list of offers that you would rather avoid going through.

If you decide to complete these offers, you might end up signing up for free trials and giving away your credit card information to buy stuff you don’t need.

The thing is, these offers are boring, time-consuming and never-ending. You will think you’re done after completing a few, but then another one appears.

You will try to be patient thinking that at the end you will get paid, but the truth is: they will not pay you


How and scam you

Both WeEmploy and DollarsTrue claim to work with some advertisers, so they will share their earnings with you if you drive traffic to their advertisers websites.

However, they are not working with any advertisers because, as you can see, they have no advertisements on their websites.

Therefore, it makes no sense that they are going to pay you without them getting paid first. No one gives away free money.

So… what do they really want? 

They want as many people as possible to promote their websites and sign up, since they want to collect as much personal data as possible. and scam
Account registration of and

They want to collect your email address, your full name, your username, your address and your password. Once they have a lot of data collected, they will use it for profit. 

For example, they can sell your data to other companies or con artists, which is actually very dangerous because they’re putting you at risk for identity theft.

Apart from that, they might try to steal your email or PayPal account. They will try your login information on sites like PayPal to see if thet can get access to your bank account and steal your money.

They will do the most to take as much money as possible from you. These scammers never limit themselves and don’t care about the lives they ruin. 

On top of that, they also waste your time by telling you to complete those offers and surveys I’ve mentioned before. They are affiliated with those offers, so they earn money when you take action towards those offers & surveys.

There would be nothing wrong with this if they shared their profits with you, but they don’t. 

These websites were only created for their own benefit and these con artists don’t care about lying and wasting people’s time. They only care about themselves.


Click here to check out my top recommendation (FREE to get started)! and scam signs

Both and have many scam signs. In fact, you don’t even need to join them to conclude that they’re frauds.

Let’s see some of the red flags and scam signs:

  • They don’t provide any legal information. They don’t provide any privacy policy, earnings disclaimer or terms & conditions, which is an indication that they’re illegal sites. They shouldn’t ask people for their information without explaining how they are going to use it. What they’re doing is not legal.
  • Their creators don’t show up. Another red flag is the fact that the people behind these sites don’t reveal their names and don’t show any pictures of themselves. They don’t want anyone to know who they are to avoid getting caught.
  • They’re not secure. These sites are not secure (they don’t have the padlock), which means that any information you provide is not safe and can be easily stolen.
  • They don’t provide any support. The fact that they don’t provide any email address, address or phone number means that they don’t want to hear from you, they don’t really care about their customers.
  • No way to get a new password if you don’t remember it. They don’t even say how you can change your password or what you can do in case you don’t remember it.
  • Their stats are fake. I know their stats are fake because both sites have the same stats, which makes absolutely no sense. and scam
Dollars True fake stats and scam fake stats
  • The same as other scam sites. There are too many scam websites like these, just take a look below to see the other clones: and scam scam and scam
Best Cash Job scam and scam
Salary Daily scam

Oh, and the woman who appears in the homepage has nothing to do with these scam sites. The con artists are using this stock photo to promote their scams. Her photo can be found on many other websites: and scam


A real way to earn a living online 

After everything I’ve found and explained, I highly don’t recommend or Both sites are scams that only benefit the scammers that have created them.

If you’ve already joined and are sharing your referral link, I recommend that you stop trying to get people to click on it because you’re not going to get paid, as I’ve explained.

Also, if you have used your PayPal or email account password, I suggest that you change it just to prevent these scammers from having access to your account.

The way you can stop wasting your time on scams like these is by keeping in mind that there are no easy or fast ways to make money.

It’s possible to make a job-replacing income online, but it requires a lot of effort and time. If easy and quick money existed, don’t you think that most people would have made millions online already?

After trying multiple ways to earn money online, I reached the conclusion that it’s best to build an online business.

If you’re starting out, the business model I use is great for you because it doesn’t require you to create your own products and allows you to build your business based on a topic you’re passionate about.

There are many things I love about this business, if you would like to learn more you can click the button below now:

Is Wealthy Affiliate university a scam?

By clicking the button above, you will learn how this business works, why it works, where you can find the step-by-step training and tools that I’m using… 

And I also show you how and where you can get started for free! Yes, you don’t need to spend a dime to get started. You can get started for $0 and see for yourself if this is right for you. 🙂 

To add to it all, you will also get the chance to get lots of help and support from other bloggers & Internet entrepreneurs. Not to mention that I’ll personally be there for you as well =)

If you’re committed to putting in the work and time, I believe you can build a successful business online!


It’s your time to say bye to the scams and get on the right track to earn money online!

I hope you have found the answers to the questions you had concerning or Feel free to share this post with whoever you believe that might benefit from it.

If there’s something else you would like to know or you want to share your opinion, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you soon. ? 

All the best!

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

4 thoughts on “ and review – Another scam exposed!

  1. Yeah these two just scream SCAM and nothing else! When I was reading about their minimum $300 threshold to cash out, I grew suspicious.

    This definitely sounds too good to be true.

    I’m not interested in earning money online if I have to give out my personal info and credit card info for a paycheck.

    It’s a hard pass for me.

    1. Hey Diana,

      Yeah, their minimum payout threshold is way too high, I guess they want people to put a lot of effort into promoting these sites. The problem is that their efforts will not get compensated, as I explained.

      Thanks for dropping by!


  2. I absolutely adore reading about different scam sites on the internet. The stuff that these people have the nerve to try on unsuspecting victims…it’s abhorrent, to say the least. It’s interesting to me to see the tactics and psychological tricks that they use to try to squeeze every last dollar out of their victims.

    You’ve put these two websites on blast, alright. I can clearly see the methods that were used to try to get people to advertise something for free under the guise of eventually being paid. It sucks, but it’s everywhere on the internet. You are doing the online world a service.

    It seems like most scam artists on the internet use strong appeals to emotion and greed to sell their stuff. I should know. I fell for it too, at one point.

    What are your experiences with scam sites? Have you ever signed up for one before? I’m curious to know!

    1. Hi Denver,

      Same here, I never stop getting surprised at the things these scammers are capable of doing. If only they used their intelligence to do something good… 

      There are too many websites like these ones I’ve exposed and I’m actually surprised that there are still people who fall for them, since there are other bloggers who expose these scams.

      You’re right, con artists are good at telling their victims what they want to hear to get them excited, so that they make the final decision based on their emotions instead of logic.

      Well, I haven’t fallen for websites like these but some years ago I almost fell for a paid surveys scam. I still remember how excited the sales pitch got me lol, luckily I did some research and didn’t fall for it. I also got involved in some MLMs and didn’t have a good experience, so I felt a little ripped off.

      What about you? What kind of scam site did you fall for?

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