Hey y’all,
I recently came across a site called PWM Live so I was wondering if this one makes it possible to earn $440 per day or is PWM Live another scam that we need to stay away from?
You’ve done your research and have clicked on my review because you’re skeptical about Profit With Michael, right? I’m glad that you’re here because you’re going to find out the truth about Profit With Michael and will end up making an informed decision!
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Profit With Michael review
Name: Profit With Michael
Website: pwmlive.com
Owner: “Michael Beeson”
Price: “Free”
Created in: 2014
Overall Rating: 15/100
If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!
What is Profit With Michael?
The creator of this system, Michael Beeson, claims he’s going to reveal you a little known method he’s used to make over a million dollars this year.
I’ve noticed that in most “make money online” opportunities, they start by telling you what it is not instead of what it really is.
He says this system has nothing to do with real estate, investing or the stock market.
Thanks to his system, you can start making money tonight for free. Yes, he claims he’s giving away his magical method for free.

After hearing this, I started suspecting because no one gives away free money and all programs that claim they’re 100% free and that you’ll start earning money instantly, end up being scams.
He claims that he’s giving away his money making system for free because he wants you to profit with him. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
However, after watching their first sales video, I can say that it’s so misleading and has many scam signs. That’s why I think this system isn’t a reliable one to make money.
How does Profit With Michael really work?
First of all, Profit With Michael is not free.
I found out a page where Michael offers a profit website that it’s far from free.
He claims he’s going to pay you $50 out of his pocket just to get you this amazing profit website.
The final price is $47, but if you try to exit the page you get a $20 discount, so the final final price is supposed to be $27.

Then I got taken to Coolhandle, which is a hosting company that I don’t recommend because it has many complaints and negative reviews, as seen below:

I remember reviewing another scam site called 700 Profit Club that also takes you to Coolhandle.
And when it comes to the $27, this costs waaay more than that.
In order to get your “profit website”, you’ll have to choose a domain name like the ones below:

As you can observe above, I highlighted the link so that you’re aware that the reason why Michael wants you to purchase a domain and hosting with Coolhandle is because he’s affiliated with them.
Therefore, he’ll earn commissions for each purchase you make through that link. This wouldn’t be a problem if Coolhandle was a reputable and reliable company, but it is not.
So this is the real price:

Over $70! And note that that’s the price you have to pay in order to get it. If you take into account the monthly and yearly fees, you can find out that you’ll have to pay over $600 per year! This is way mooore than what Michael claims you’ll have to pay.
There would be nothing wrong with paying over $600 per year if their service was good, but the complaints and negative reviews tell us Coolhandle is not worth it.
I also want to add that that $49.95 per month is expensive for hosting if we take into consideration that my top recommended platform costs $49 per month or $359 per year and it includes a looot more than website hosting.
And this is not all. Michael is also going to offer you a package of 1000 visitors for your “profit website”, which costs $297.
This would be ok if it was quality traffic, but he doesn’t tell us where these visitors are coming from, so it’s not possible to know whether they will convert or not.
Is Profit With Michael a scam?
This is debatable.
If you take into account that you’re actually getting something in exchange for your money, then it’s not a scam.
But if we judge Profit With Michael based on the fake claims and the fact that it doesn’t live up to its promises, then it can be considered a scam.
With that beind said, let’s see some of the red flags and scam signs that are present in the Profit With Michael sales pages.
Outdated earnings proofs
The earnings proofs Michael shows are from 2013, which didn’t look weird for me when I found out that Profit With Michael was first launched in 2014.

This is a red flag because it’s an indication that his method is nothing new and also indicates that the training might be out of date.
Keep in mind that what used to work years ago might not work now.
Lack of information about Michael
There’s not enough information about Michael Beeson to determine whether he’s a real person or not.
He doesn’t tell us how to get in touch with him and doesn’t show up. I always like to know who’s behind a site or program to determine whether I can trust them or not.
And the fact that he doesn’t reveal his face indicates that he might be trying to hide something, which is a red flag because that’s something scammers do in order not to get persecuted.
Lack of information about what you’ll be doing
Michael doesn’t explain what type of website you’re going to get or what business model you’re going to apply.
The fact that he says you’ll be earning commissions and you’ll profit with him makes me think that what you’ll have to do to make money here is by promoting Profit With Michael.
Yes, you’ll be promoting the same program you just purchased! The thing is, you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars in order to promote it because you can get your affiliate link for free.
I personally don’t like the fact that they don’t teach you to promote others products or your own products, and I won’t be promoting Profit With Michael because it’s not a program I believe in.
There’s no guarantee you’ll make money
Michael claims he’s going to give you $100 for trying his system but this is completely fake.

The truth is that nothing guarantees you’ll make money, something stated in the Profit With Michael disclaimer.

He can say whatever he wants in the sales video and page as long as the truth is stated in the disclaimer.
Lie about the price
He first says that it’s free and that he would never sell his secrets, but then, without previous notice, he tries to get you to buy into the Coolhandle hosting and also tries to sell you the 1000 visitors package.

Why can’t he be honest about all the costs and all the products? I personally wouldn’t like to be told I’m getting something for x price and then be told that I need something else to make this work.
Being informed about everything included and the total cost is crucial to make the right decision.
Lots of money, no hard work
Another fake claim is that you’re not required to work hard to make money.

In fact, it’s the complete opposite. You’ll have to put in the effort and time to make a full-time income online. Don’t you think everybody would be doing this if it were that easy?
Oh, and there are no positive reviews about Profit With Michael. If this system was that amazing, then there would be at least one positive review.
My final conclusion
I can’t call Profit With Michael a 100% scam because at least you’re getting something and can get a refund.
But after everything I’ve read and seen, there’s no way I’m buying it and there’s no way I can recommend it. There are many complaints and red flags that make me strongly believe we should definitely stay away from it.
It’s not only what they’re offering that is important, the fact that Michael makes false claims and tells you what you want to hear is another reason why I would never recommend a program like this. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t want to do business with cheaters or scam artists.
People who create programs like PWM don’t have your best interest at heart. They only care about their own benefit. That’s why I recommend that you avoid all programs and systems that claim you’ll make money fast or without any effort.
Great things take time and work to build, and the same happens when it comes to earning a living online.
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I hope this review has been helpful to you and you’ll make the right decision.
If you have any questions or opinions regarding Profit With Michael or anything else, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!
Have a wonderful day! 🙂