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Hi everyone!

I recently stumbled upon a site called and knew I had to look deep into it just to find out if this one was a legit site to make some money or just another one of the endless scams that can be found on the net. 

If you’ve come across News Hot 17 and are wondering whether to give it a try or not, make sure you read this review to find out the truth!


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News Hot 17 review

Name: News Hot 17

Website URL:

Owner: hidden

Price: free to join

Created in: August 2017

Overall Rating: 5/100


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is News Hot 17?

News Hot 17 is a website that claims you can make at least $100 per day just for reading the news.

According to the information on their site, was created to unite mass media and readers.

All you have to do to earn $100 per day equal $3,000 per month is reading 30 current pieces of news everyday. is supposed to work as an intermediary between you and the news sites so each time you read a piece of news, News Hot 17 will get paid and then they’ll pay you 80% of that sum. 

You’re supposed to earn $3.17 after you read a piece of news so if you read 30 per day it would be $95.1. That’s why I don’t get why they claim the minimum you’ll earn is $100.

I know it would be amazing to transfer the money you earn to your bank account on a daily basis, but they only let you cash out when you reach $2,700.

Furthermore, they claim you can make $170 per each person who joins their site through your referral link plus a 15% of their earnings. All you have to do is sharing your affiliate link wherever you want.

So it seems they pay more for getting other people to join their site than for reading the news, since there’s a limit when it comes to the amount of pieces of news you can read everyday but there’s not a limit when it comes to the amount of people who can join News Hot 17.

It looks like you can easily earn more than $200 per day as you only need to get a referral per day and then read like 10 pieces of news. Sounds too good to be true, am I right? Especially when we consider that it’s free to sign up.

However, there’s a catch and News Hot 17 is not what it claims to be. Let’s see what it really is later in this review.


How does News Hot 17 work?

In order to join, you’ll have to complete a form with your email address and a password. 

Then you’ll get taken to another page where there’s a list of news like the one below:

is news hot 17 a scam
News Hot 17 list of news

You can also see there’s a $700 bonus so I clicked “get a bonus” and only had to sum two amounts to earn $700. How easy and fast to earn $700, right? 

Then I checked out one of those pieces of news like this:

is news hot 17 a scam
News Hot 17 example piece of news

I noticed I could confirm I had read it without reading it as I clicked “confirm” and got $3.17. Now I have $703.17 in my News Hot 17 account:

is news hot 17 a scam
News Hot 17 account balance

It seems way too easy and fast to make money from this site, isn’t it? Like I can log into that site every single day and easily reach the minimum payout threshold of $2700 without spending too much time on it. 

I could also share my referral link on here and I would apparently earn $170 if you join through me. But I will not do it because I don’t want you to get into that News Hot 17 site. Why? Because it’s a fake site.

I can confidently say that they won’t pay any one of us so I won’t waste more time on that site.


Can you make money from News Hot 17?

No, News Hot 17 won’t make you a penny. As I said before, they won’t pay anyone. 

There are several reasons why they won’t pay us. 

First of all, it doesn’t make sense that they’ll pay you if they’re not getting paid first. Nobody gives away free money for nothing.

I know they’re not getting paid by the news sites listed because I checked them out and saw that News Hot 17 is not affiliated with them.

Another thing is, News Hot 17 doesn’t have any ads and don’t offer any products or services so they’re not providing any value and not getting paid, as a result.

Then where does their money come from? Why was News Hot 17 created? Why do they claim you’ll get paid to read the news & get referrals if it’s not true?

The reason why News Hot 17 was created is to earn money at your expense. They make you think that you’ll make easy money for free just to get you to join and give them your personal details. 

And then they say you’ll earn $170 if you get other to join just to get other people’s information. 

They want your information to sell it to other scam artists. That’s why you can expect to get spam emails related to other scam sites & programs. 

And that is not the only way these con artists make money. They’ll also try to steal your account. This is why they ask for your Payza or PayPal account number.

It seems like it’s not dangerous as they don’t ask you to pay but it actually is. Whenever you come across a site or program that claims you can make easy & free money, start suspecting because most of these sites end up being scams.


Is News Hot 17 a scam?

Yes, News Hot 17 is a scam as I’ve explained in the previous section.

Now let’s see some scam signs and red flags that expose it as the hoax it is.

  • Who is behind News Hot 17? That’s what I’m wondering. The owners of that site don’t show any picture of them and don’t even mention their names so there’s no way to know who is running the show. This is a red flag as it means that they’re trying to hide. I personally don’t trust sites created by people who don’t show up.
  • Lack of important pages. Where is their privacy policy page? And what about their earnings disclaimer or terms & conditions page? All legitimate sites and companies have at least one of those three pages. This indicates that they’re not being transparent when it comes to how they’re going to use the personal data you give them. 
  • No way to get in touch with them. Why don’t they provide any email address or have a comments section where you can ask questions? They clearly don’t want to hear from you and don’t care about the questions you might have. 
  • If they really wanted to pay you, they wouldn’t ask for your account number. This is an indication that their purpose is not to pay you. When someone wants to pay you via PayPal or Payza, they only need to know your email address.


My final thoughts

I highly do not recommend News Hot 17 as they won’t benefit you in any way. They will only leave you frustrated and upset.

It’s very frustrating to find out you can’t cash out the thousands of dollars you think you have earned. That’s what happened to one of my readers some days ago so I don’t want it to happen to you. 

Making a full-time income online is possible and there are millions of people who are doing it. But they don’t rely on sites like News Hot 17 or other fake sites like Fix Monthly Income or

The truth is that you’ll have to work hard and be patient & persistent if your goal is to earn a living online and more. If making money online were that easy then everybody would be doing it.

If you’re committed to doing what it takes to generate an income online, then I really suggest that you check out my favorite digital marketing platform.

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Looking forward to seeing you inside! This is your time to get on the right track to online success 🙂 

I hope you’ve found the answers you were looking for before landing on this post. 

If you have any questions or opinions concerning or anything else, feel free to leave a comment below. I always reply to my readers!

Best wishes =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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