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Is Tubeloom a scam or legit? RED FLAGS revealed here! [Review]

Is Tubeloom a scam or legit? RED FLAGS revealed here! [Review]
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Welcome to my Tubeloom review!

Have you come across Tubeloom ( and are wondering if it’s a legit program that can help you make hundreds of dollars a day? Or maybe you are wondering if Tubeloom is a scam that designed to take your money, right?

Well, first of all, I need to congratulate you for taking the time to do your research before opening your wallet and getting involved in another money-making opportunity.

There are too many scams out there so doing your research is the way to avoid the frauds and finding the real way to earn money online!

In this Tubeloom review, I will show you what this program is about, how it really works, all the scam signs I have found, other things you need to know and more!


Table of Contents

Tubeloom review

Name: Tubeloom

Website URL:

Owner: “Charlotte”

Created in: 2016

Price: $39.95 + upsells

Overall Ranking: 31/100


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Tubeloom about?

The moment I came across the Tubeloom sales page I thought I was in front of another get-rich-quick scheme because of the high-income claims and other red flags I noticed.

But I didn’t want to judge it for its appearance so I decided to give this product a try.

In some terms, Tubeloom is a program that is said to teach you to make money online by making YouTube videos.

They claim you can earn between $300 and $1,000 per day just by creating 2-minute YouTube videos, without you having to go on camera!

The person who presents the opportunity claims to be Charlotte and makes it sound very easy to make money using her secret formula. This is supposed to be “one of the most powerful, little known money making secrets on the planet”.

Tubeloom sales video

I personally don’t like when someone claims to have a secret system or a secret formula because these kind of products usually turn out to be low-quality/scam products.

“Charlotte” merely talks about how she got started and found out how to use YouTube to make money online. It was life-changing for her because she was really struggling financially.

Now she supposedly earns $1000 per day with a few hours of work, and it sounds very easy because it doesn’t matter if you make little mistakes.

You don’t need any prior experience or special skills to make this work. All you have to do is to make 2-minute videos about some products, upload them to YouTube and that’s it, then you earn money. Sounds great, right?

It’s really easy to get all excited after seeing all the earnings screenshots and success stories we’re shown because it looks like this is the real deal.

But the truth is that it’s not as easy and fast as they want you to believe, and there are important things that she doesn’t tell you about and you need to know.


How does Tubeloom work?

Tubeloom doesn’t work to make you money easily or quickly. It certainly requires you to put in the effort and time.

In this section I will be talking about the business model, the training and the problems that I see with this product.


The business model

So how are you going to make money?

This is the process step-by-step:

  • Choose a product to promote
  • Get your affiliate link for the product
  • Make a YouTube video about the product
  • Include your affiliate link on the video
  • Someone watches your video and purchases the product through your link
  • You make a commission

This is called affiliate marketing, which involves making a commission when someone purchases a product that you are promoting through your affiliate link.

There are many companies that have affiliate programs that you can join to find products to earn money from. It’s a legitimate business model and can be very lucrative when used the proper way. 


The training

If you purchase this product for $39.95, you will get access to the members area where you can find the training videos, which add up to less than an hour. 

So yeah, the training is only an hour long!

The topics covered in the modules are the following:

  • Module 1 – Picking the product. You’re shown which affiliate programs to join to find products to talk about in your YouTube videos.
  • Module 2 – The review video. They show you the 3 different type of reviews that you can do and what software to use to record your videos.
  • Module 3 – Video optimization. This module goes over how to upload a video to YouTube, how to add keywords, tags, a category and a description to your video and how to add your affiliate link to that video.
  • Module 4 – Outsourcing YouTube SEO. In this module you are shown where to purchase YouTube comments, views and blog posts embeds in order to get good rankings to your YouTube video.


Some problems

It’s possible to earn money using this method, but there are some problems that I believe you need to be aware of.


  • Problem 1 – They don’t show you how to choose a niche

Choosing a topic that you’re interested in or have a passion for is very important when it comes to building an affiliate marketing business. 

The problem is that Tubeloom doesn’t tell you how to choose the right niche for you. 

They focus on the Internet marketing a.k.a. “make money online” niche which is very competitive and not the best to choose if you are just getting started.

If you don’t like to talk about Internet marketing or making money online, you will end up getting bored and will not have the proper motivation to review products about this topic.

That’s why, before trying to make money, it’s essential to ensure you choose something that you really love talking about. Something that you see yourself doing in the long-term.


  • Problem 2 – The quality of the products

Tubeloom is focused on launch jacking, which means that you will have to pick Internet marketing products before launch to be one of the first people to review the product and get good rankings on Google and YouTube.

This way, when the product launches, you will get traffic to your video and will earn a commission when someone purchases the product.

It sounds like a good way to make money, right?

Well, the problem is that the quality of these products is usually not good. They are low-quality products that don’t deliver much to the customer so guess what you can expect if you only promote these products? Some people will get disappointed and ask for refunds so you wouldn’t make much in the end.

Promoting low-quality products that don’t provide much value to people is not the way to go to gain your audience’s trust because people will not take you seriously if they realize that what you promote does not meet their needs.

Therefore, it’s much better to promote high-quality products if you are looking to build a long-term business.


  • Problem 3 – Black hat SEO techniques

Another problem is the fact that they recommend that you purchase low-quality comments, views, blog post embeds…

All of this is not genuine and definitely something that is not good for rankings because search engines like Google are against these practices, so I don’t recommend that you follow their advice because you could have your YouTube videos or channel deleted. 


Click here to check out my FREE affiliate marketing guide!


Is Tubeloom a scam?

The answer to this question really depends on how you define a scam.

I personally don’t consider Tubeloom to be a complete scam because they provide some training for your money and you can also get your money back if you decide to purchase it.

However, I know some people will consider it a scam because it’s misleading and doesn’t live up to its promises. So it’s up to you how you call it.

Tubeloom is no different from other low-quality products that I’ve reviewed. These products are not complete scams but don’t deliver enough:

With that being said, I believe you need to be aware of some red flags that I’ve found because these red flags are present in other scams.


Charlotte is not the real owner

I guess the people behind Tubeloom are targetting stay at home moms who are struggling financially because of the story and characters they have used to promote this product.

They want you to believe that this is very easy and that anyone can make money doing this, since a stay at home mother like Charlotte can do this.

But the truth is that Charlotte is an invented character used to sell this product. I know this because I’ve done some image searches and have found out that they have used a stock photo to represent her.

Fake story and characters
Proof 1

The fact that the real owners hide is an indication that this product is not as good as they want you to believe.

I mean, if it was good, the people behind this product would be proud of themselves and would not have to hide.


Fake success stories

The success stories and testimonials can really get you excited because it seems like this product works and real people are earning hundreds of dollars per day thanks to it. 

However, I’ve found that the testimonies are fake because their pictures can be found on other websites, which means that the creators of Tubeloom have downloaded those pictures to create fake success stories & testimonials.

False success story
Proof 2
Fake testimonial
Proof 3


Fake news

It’s not the first time that I come across a money-making product that claims to have been featured in popular websites like Forbes, CNN and YouTube.

If you search for Tubeloom on any of those websites, you will not find anything about it.

The truth is that they want you to believe they have been seen on those sites to gain credibility. Many scam sites use this tactic to lure you in.


Lack of transparency when it comes to the cost

Another scam sign is the fact that in the first sales page they claim this is free and you don’t need your financial information.

But then, after watching the sales video, you realize this is not true.

I guess they first claim this is free to get you to stay on the page, but I don’t like when people do it because it’s kind of misleading.

Apart from it, you can also expect to be bombarded with some upsells if you buy this product for $39.95. These are the upsells:

  • Upsell 1 – Tubeloom step-by-step riches ($67)

They claim you can earn over $16,000 in one week thanks to this product, but this is very unrealistic. They are marketing it as a get-rich-quick scheme just to get you to purchase it.

This product is focused on doing promoting products using websites instead of YouTube videos, but the problem is that the training is not thorough so there’s stuff you would have to search for yourself.

  • Upsell 2 – Done for you easy cash campaigns ($47)

This upsell includes 5 landing pages that you will use to promote the products. It also includes some videos about integrating your affiliate links and autoresponder to the landing pages.

The problem is that they don’t explain how to drive traffic to these landing pages, which is essential to make sales. I mean, without people visiting the sales pages, there’s no money to be made.

  • Upsell 3 – VIP Elite mastermind ($47)

For $47, they give you access to a Facebook group of like-minded people.


False scarcity

These low-quality products always use fake scarcity tactics to get your money as fast as possible.

In this case, they claim there’s only 1 position left out of 50. 

This is so fake because this product has been around more than a year already and it always says the same thing about the amount of open positions.

Do you think these people are going to limit the amount of money they can make? It would make no sense if they did. These people want to make as many sales as possible.


High-income claims

Whenever you come across a website that claims you can earn money fast without doing much work, start suspecting of it because there’s no such thing as earning a lot of money doing very little.

Yes, it’s possible to earn $300-$1000 a day, but it surely does not happen without putting in the effort. 

“$332.50 with 9 minutes of effort”

Affiliate marketing is not a way to make money fast like the owners of Tubeloom want you to believe. 

In fact, there’s no way to earn quick cash so never believe people who make claims like that.

If it really were that easy, don’t you think everyone would already have made a fortune online?


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Even though this product is not a total scam, it’s not complete because it doesn’t include everything you need to build a profitable long-term online business. That’s why I have to say that I don’t recommend Tubeloom.

Creating a YouTube channel is definitely a way to make money, but if you are looking to make a full-time income online, I don’t recommend that you only rely on YouTube because YouTube is not something you have control over.

I mean, a YouTube channel is something that can be taken away from you so I believe that creating something that you own like a website would be a good idea. 

Many people who are making a full-time income using affiliate marketing have both a YouTube channel and a website.

Learning from a complete and legitimate source that takes you from zero to making a living online is the key. That’s why I created a FREE step-by-step affiliate marketing guide that you can check out by clicking below:

In my guide, I explain why and how affiliate marketing works, what you need to learn, the tools you need, how to get started…

And I also show you how to get started for free! Yes, you don’t need to spend a penny to check it all out =)

Not only that, you will also get the chance to get help from a huge community of affiliate marketers and Internet entrepreneurs! I’ll personally be there for you too. 🙂  

I’m so excited for you to get your affiliate marketing business started today!


I hope this honest review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision. Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions regarding Tubeloom, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ? 

Best to you =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

3 thoughts on “Is Tubeloom a scam or legit? RED FLAGS revealed here! [Review]

  1. There seems to be a common thread with many of these programs that crop up. Tubeloom seems to be another of those systems that look so easy, which is exactly what the creators want you to think. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. It is possibility to create an income online and there’s many ways to do it. But one thing is definite, you’ll have to work a lot harder than most people think. Can you suggest a more legitimate solution to my online aspirations?

    1. Hi Nigel,

      You are so right, the people behind Tubeloom want potential clients to think that this is easy just to make a quick buck, just like many unethical marketers do. 

      I suggest that you check out my free earn money online guide where I explain what I and thousands of people do to make money, I believe it will help you get started the right way!

      I hope it helps, have an amazing day =)


  2. Miren,
    Great review and write up of Tubeloom. Interesting concept and in a round about way it makes sense. As in I can understand the concept behind it and it is not super confusing. Pretty disappointing that much of the information isn’t real info though.
    When I read the part where you said that Charlotte was not a real person, that’s pretty much end of the line for me. It almost seems silly to me that someone goes to the effort to create something false like that to sell a product. Why not just be honest and forthright? Seems like a much better way to do it.
    While it doesn’t seem like Tubeloom is what i would label a “scam” it certainly skirts the definition by a narrow margin. Thanks for the great review.
    Mat A.

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