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Bitcoin Millionaire review – Is it a scam?

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Hey everyone!

Bitcoin Millionaire is another site I came across recently. As always, I was curious to know whether this one was legit or just another scam.

I personally don’t like sites that have “millionaire” in their name because they sound like “get-rich-quick” schemes which are scams.

There are lots and lots of scams out there so it’s difficult to find reliable online money-making opportunities.

In this review I will explain what Bitcoin Millionaire is about, whether you can make money with it and more. 


Table of Contents

Bitcoin Millionaire review

Name: Bitcoin Millionaire


Owner: “Victor Gray”

Created in: 2017

Price: “Free”

Overall Rating: 0/10


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Bitcoin Millionaire about?

If you check out the Bitcoin Millionaire sales page, a video will start playing. 

This man who’s narrating the video says that you’re one of the 500 lucky ones who will be able to watch that video. How can he know how many people will watch the video? Can he predict the future?

According to him, these people will get a chance to make a huge amount of money and they don’t even need to buy anything, so it’s free. Pretty normal right?

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Bitcoin Millionaire sales page

This guy claims to be Victor Gray and he says that he has only allowed his trusted partners to share that video with people who deserve changes in life, so you’ve been selected out of tens of thousands of people. 

I couldn’t help but laughing at this BS. Anyone can access that video because it’s public so there’s no way you’ve been selected. 

This magical software presents the same features, according to Mr Gray:

  • It can make you thousands of dollars per day.
  • It works on complete autopilot.
  • It has a 99% trading success rate.
  • It doesn’t require prior experience or hard work from your part.

Another thing is, this amazing software is supposed to trade only when it knows that trades will be profitable. 

Truth be told, there’s no perfect software that never loses. If it existed, everybody would be using it. 

At the bottom of the Bitcoin Millionaire sales page, we can see this risk disclaimer:

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Bitcoin Millionaire risk disclaimer

It’s written in a tiny letter and it’s kind of difficult to read but two of the more important things are:

  • “In some cases actors have been used”.
  • “This product does not guarantee income or success.”

The fact that actors have been used is something very common in scam videos and you’re not guaranteed to make money with this software.

This is something they don’t say in the sales video because they hope you will join Bitcoin Millionaire without reading the disclaimer.


Is Bitcoin Millionaire a scam?

It’s obvious that Bitcoin Millionaire is a scam. Their home page and sales video contain a lot of red flags and deceitful claims used to steal your money.

In this section I’ll post some undeniable proofs that expose Bitcoin Millionaire as the fraud it is.


Victor Gray is not the Bitcoin Millionaire’s creator

Victor Gray is nothing more than a fictional character created by the people behind Bitcoin Millionaire (a.k.a. the scammers).

They don’t show any picture of him, they don’t tell you any way to find more information about him and they don’t even give you any way to contact him. These are all red flags.

I believe the man who narrates the Bitcoin Millionaire video is a voice actor. He didn’t sound anything natural or authentic.

Another reason why I’m sure that the Bitcoin Millionaire narrator is a voice actor is because of the rehashed sales pitch. He starts by saying that he’s not going to sell you anything, that you won’t need your credit card and that that video is different from other scam videos. I’ve heard that a lot of times in other scams.


The fake trading results

There’s a section where we can see live trading results from the Bitcoin Millionaire members.

However, those results are absolutely fake and invented. 

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Bitcoin Millionaire fake trading results

If you take a look at the “entry time” and “expiration time”, the dates are July 29th and July 30th 2017, which fell on Saturday and Sunday. 

The thing is, the markets are closed on weekends so there’s no way those trades took place. Those results are not possible and they’re made up just to make you believe that this software has generated lots of profits to its members.


The video testimonials are paid actors

If you watch the Bitcoin Millionaire sales video, you’ll see 4 people talking positive about Bitcoin Millionaire.

They say things like they’ve made a lot of money, they’ve quitted their jobs, they’ve bought what they wanted… They just say what you want to hear.

However, the truth is that none of those people have tried Bitcoin Millionaire. They’ve got paid just to recite a script that the con artists have invented.

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Fake testimonial

That guy claims to be Mark Rivers, but that’s not his real name. His real name is Rodney Sawyer and he’s a Fiverr actor (@rsawyer24) who sells his services for something like $5, so that’s not a big deal for the scammers.

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Fiverr actor


False comments

In the Bitcoin Millionaire’s second page (the page you’re taken to after completing a form with your name and email), you can see a section of comments and pictures of supposed members. 

The problem is that those comments are invented and the pictures are purchased or stolen from other sites like Shutterstock.

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Fake comment


is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Shutterstock picture

All those testimonials have nothing to do with Bitcoin Millionaire. People who appear in those pictures may not even know that their pictures have been used to create fake testimonies.


Can Bitcoin Millionaire earn you money?

The outright answer is no, Bitcoin Millionaire will not make you any money.

Bitcoin Millionaire will only waste your money and time and leave you frustrated and upset.

This software is designed to part with your money and works the same way as these other scam softwares I’ve reviewed in the past:

So how do they try to scam you if they claim it to be free? Well, they say it’s free just to get your personal information like your name, your email address, your phone number and password.

Once they have this information, they’ll tell you that you’ll have to fund your trading account with at least $250 (the broker’s minimum deposit). You won’t be able to start trading without making an initial deposit, that’s why it’s not free.

Then the scam comes into play. Their trusted broker (an unregulated broker) will manage your money in a way that you lose all your capital. The people behind Bitcoin Millionaire will get paid big commissions at your expense. 

The unlicensed broker pays commissions to those scam artists for referring paying customers.

They won’t even let you withdraw your money and they’ll say that you need to reach a minimum amount in order to make a withdrawal. So it won’t be possible because that software is set to make you lose.

In addition, they’ll try to incite you to invest more money. They just want to get away with as much as they can and don’t care if you lose it all.

You can also expect them to sell your personal information to other unethical people. 

I found out this negative opinion from someone who fell for the Bitcoin Millionaire scam:

is bitcoin millionaire a scam
Complaint about Bitcoin Millionaire


My closing thoughts

I believe I’ve posted enough information to prove the real nature of Bitcoin Millionaire. It’s nothing more than a dangerous scam you need to stay the hell away from. 

If you’re looking to earn a living online, avoid all those systems and softwares that promise easy and fast riches. They’re clearly trying to deceive and scam you. There’s no overnight formula that will make you rich quickly. 

Everything worth having comes with a price. Don’t you think that we wouldn’t value the great things if they were easy to obtain?

The same happens with making a full-time income online. It won’t happen in no time and you’ll be required to work hard, be patient and stay persistent.

If you’re willing to do what it takes, let me introduce you to a digital marketing platform that will help you achieve your goals.

This platform provides courses, step-by-step training, resources and tools that will walk you through the process of building an online business. This business will be based on your passions, which will make the process more enjoyable for you! 🙂 

Apart from that, you’ll also receive help and support from the community members (myself included) and owners! Don’t hesitate to ask questions because there will always be someone who will help you out. 

Another thing I love about this platform is that it’s free to join, so you don’t need to spend a penny to see if you like it or not. There’s no risk involved!

If you’re interested in learning more about my top recommendation, you can now click the button below to check out the detailed review I wrote about it:

wealthy affiliate my top recommendation


I hope this review has been helpful to you and you never fall for scams like Bitcoin Millionaire. You can share it with whoever you think that may benefit from the information provided.

If you have any questions or opinions regarding Bitcoin Millionaire or other online programs, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to help you out. I always love hearing from you! 🙂 

Have a great day!

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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