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One Click PayDay scam – UGLY TRUTHS exposed here!

One Click PayDay scam - UGLY TRUTHS exposed here!
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Welcome to my One Click PayDay review!

You have stumbled upon the One Click PayDay sales page ( and wondering if this will make you lots of money and help you become financially free?

Or perhaps you are skeptical and you are here because you have questions like “Will One Click PayDay scam me?”, am I right?

Well, there are too many scams on the Internet and they come in all forms and shapes, so I need to congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research because this is the way to avoid the ugly scams and discover the real way to earn money online!

To be honest with you, One Click PayDay is not what as good as they claim in the sales video, so here you are going to find the truth.

In this One Click PayDay review, I will show you what this system is about, how it really works, the scam signs I have found and more.


Table of Contents

One Click PayDay review

Name: One Click PayDay 


Created in: September 2017

Price: $37 + upsells

Owner: “Kathy Evans”

Overall Rating: 1/5


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is One Click PayDay apparently?

The second I landed on the One Click PayDay sales page, I thought I was in front of another scam because it looked very similar to other scams or get-rich-quick schemes I’ve exposed.

But I didn’t want to judge it based on its appearance so I started watching the sales video and did intensive research.

The spokeswoman for One Click PayDay really knows what to say to get you excited about this system.

She claims to have created your own money-making account that is making you money while you watch the video.

You don’t need any prior experience or technical skills because she has done all the repetitive and hard tasks for you. 

All you need to do is to make one click in order to get at least $1,000 funneled into your account every single day.

Thanks to this magical system, you will finally be able to live the life of your dreams. You will not have to worry about money anymore, you will be able to quit your job and you will also be able to go on vacation whenever you want. 

Sounds too good to be true, right? It really does.

“Kathy” just tells you what you would like to hear, not what you need to hear.

For example, she doesn’t say anything about how this system works or how it makes money. She wants you to believe that you will not have to do anything or learn anything.

The whole sales video is very misleading because it gives you fake expectations regarding this system and making money online.

It’s the typical get-rich-quick scheme where they claim you can start making thousands of dollars the same day you get started.

One Click PayDay is no better than these other low-quality/scam programs I have exposed:


How does One Click PayDay work?

One Click PayDay does not work in a way that helps you make money, it’s the opposite. It works in a way that the ones who get to earn money are the unethical people who have created it.

They try to convince you that this is the perfect system for you to get rich online, but the truth is that it doesn’t work that way.

If you pay the $37 initial fee, you will not get what you were promised.

You will get some training that will not help you make the thousands of dollars they talk about. 

If you think about it, why would they sell a system that can supposedly make you thousands of dollars for only $37? It makes no sense.

Not only that, they will also try to persuade you to spend even more money on other products. They will try to make you believe that you need those other products in order to make more money or earn money faster.

Honestly, I would not even be surprised that One Click PayDay was not even the name of a real system because I have seen that unethical marketers are using these kind of fake pages to get leads to other high-ticket programs.

For example, Instant Income At Home (very similar to One Click PayDay) is a sales funnel to the VSN Cash System, which I don’t recommend either.


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The One Click PayDay scam signs revealed!

Let’s see all the red flags and lies they tell you because they indicate this is not as good as they want you to believe.

  • The checkout page is misleading

I entered an email address to see how the checkout page looked like and it didn’t even mention One Click PayDay.

Honestly, this is very misleading! Why does it say Clone My Sites life membership instead of One Click PayDay??

I mean, Clone My Sites is not even mentioned in the sales video so wasn’t this program called One Click PayDay?

This is a huge red flag because they are not even clear about what they are offering. 

For example, if you want to purchase a personal development book and then go to the checkout page and see that it’s a different book than the one you wanted, you will get confused right?

That’s why I can’t take seriously products that mislead people this way.


  • Your fake money-making account

Honestly, when I heard the spokeswoman claim she’s created your very own money-making account, I couldn’t help but laugh because I’ve heard the same absurd claim in other scam videos.

Fake claim

There could be many people watching the video so is she creating money-making accounts non-stop? It would make no sense lol.

How is someone going to make you money just for watching a video? This video would already be famous if that was true. Millions of people would be watching it right now if they could make money this way lol.

The commissions that are supposedly being funneled into the account while you’ve been watching the video are not even real, it’s all completely fake.


  • “Only 45 spots left” lie

They claim there are only 45 spots available to rush you into purchasing this system.

The truth is that they will never limit the amount of money they can make so it makes no sense that they are only accepting 45 people.

Fake scarcity

One Click PayDay has been around since September 2017 and the sales video is still the same so you can take a look at the page tomorrow or next week and nothing will have changed.


  • Fake testimonials

What about the people who appear in the sales video and claim to have earned thousands of dollars thanks to this system?

They are not real members of One Click PayDay. They are Fiverr actors that have got paid by the con artists just to recite the scripts given to them.

In fact, they have appeared in other scams like Wiseball Secret Society and Easy Retired Millionaire.

#1 Fake testimonial
is auto money system a scam
Proof 1
#2 Fake testimonial
Is Easy Retired Millionaire a scam?
Proof 2


  • Kathy Evans doesn’t show up

Another red flag is the fact that Kathy Evans, the alleged owner of One Click PayDay, doesn’t show up.

I have reviewed and exposed many scam systems similar to this one and it turns out that the real owners hardly ever show up.

Scam artists usually create fake characters and fake stories for their scams so I wouldn’t be surprised that Kathy Evans was a made up character.

I personally don’t trust programs or systems whose real owners don’t show up, so there’s no way I’m going to trust One Click PayDay.


  • Making lots of money with no work

One of the biggest scam signs is the fact that they claim you can earn thousands of dollars with just one click because this is something that plainly does not exist.

There’s no such thing as making lots of money overnight and there are no push-button systems that work.

If earning money online was really that easy, don’t you think most people would have already made a fortune online by now? Lots of people would have already quitted their 9 to 5 jobs.

Truth be told, you will have to put in the work and time if you want to make a full-time income online. No one will make you money without you making efforts.


  • “The typical purchaser does not make any money using this system”

Last but not least, if you take a look at the little note at the bottom of the One Click PayDay sales page, you will read that the typical buyer doesn’t earn any money with this system.

One Click PayDay disclaimer

In other words, this is their way of telling you that this system does not work and that everything they tell you in the sales video is a lie.


Is One Click PayDay a scam?

One Click PayDay doesn’t live up to its promises and it’s not even the name of the real system.

As I said earlier, One Click PayDay is probably a sales funnel to a high-ticket program so I can guarantee that it will cost you way more than $37 and there’s no guarantee you will make money.

So is One Click PayDay a scam? In my opinion, yes it’s a total scam.

These scammers don’t really care about helping you make money online because if they did, they would not be lying to you. They wouldn’t make empty promises that can leave you disappointed and frustrated.

Because of everything I have mentioned, I highly don’t recommend One Click PayDay.


The real way to earn commissions

The more you look for ways to make urgent cash, the more scams you will come across.

If you really want to see your account full of commissions, you will definitely have to work on building your online business.

Making commissions means that you will be promoting other people’s products, so you will not have to spend time on creating your own products. 

This is what the One Click PayDay scam product is geared towards but the problem is that they don’t teach you the proper way to do this business. They are giving this business a bad name when they claim you can make commissions without doing any work.

It’s possible to make the kind of money they are talking about, but it will not happen if you are not committed to working hard and persistently.

With the proper step-by-step training and easy-to-use tools, I believe that anyone can build this business in a way that’s sustainable for the long-term.

There’s a lot to say about this business so I created a FREE step-by-step earn money online guide where I explain how it all works:

In my free guide, I explain the reality of making money online, why this business works and it’s getting better, the process, proof that it works, what you need to build this business…

And I also reveal how and where you can start your online business for free! Yes, not kidding, you will get a free account that will give you access to step-by-step training lessons and tools that will get you started the right way.

But this is not all! You will also get the chance to get free support and help from me and a big community full of like-minded people who are on the same path as you =)

So are you ready to leave the dangerous scams behind and get on the right way to earn commissions?


I hope this One Click PayDay review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision. Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP! ? 

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

9 thoughts on “One Click PayDay scam – UGLY TRUTHS exposed here!

  1. Wow. I can’t believe all of the crazy things that you uncovered in this review. Were they even trying with One Click Payday? It is crazy that they don’t show the right product at checkout. That just goes to show that the person who made One Click Payday probably makes lots of similar sites. The claims are too much. You pay $37 to make $1,000 a month? That just doesn’t add up at all. And the disclaimer at the bottom? At least it was honest. Thanks for the great review!

    1. Hi there,

      Yeah, I believe the con artists behind One Click Payday are the same people who create other scam systems. It really makes no sense that they’re going to sell the opportunity to earn $1,000/day for only $37.

      Thanks for stopping by, have a great day! =)


  2. Thanks for the great review Miren. It’s unfortunate that there are so many scams like this one out there taking advantage of desperate people. It’s hard to believe how blatantly obvious One Click Payday is, but I guess that helps ensure that only the most gullible and desperate buy into it.

    I hate when these type of products do the ‘limited number of seats’ thing, it’s really obnoxious because as you pointed out why would someone limit the amount of money they could make from such a product?! I hope people do their research and come across articles like yours so they don’t get scammed by this nonsense. Thanks again for your insight! 🙂

  3. Thanks for this wonderful review of One Click Payday. You’re so right! When I watched the video, I was so excited about what it could all mean, but then I started seeing red flag after red flag and just had to find out whether this was a scam or not. Your review has done it for me; I will be avoiding One Click Payday.

    1. Hi Reyhana,

      Happy to hear that you found this review helpful! 

      It’s easy to get excited with these misleading sales video, that’s what these scammers want their potential victims to do.

      Glad that you will be avoiding this One Click PayDay scam, have a great day =)


  4. It’s really frustrating how many of these types of programs are available in the market these days. Claims of riches overnight, with a single click. I am glad you are sharing this review, it saves me time in my search for legitimate programs that must exist out there. It’s also typical that people like “Kathy” don’t talk about the system works, but just tell you how much money you will make. I will definitely check out some of your other reviews. Thanks again for posting this article, it’s very thorough!

    1. Hi there,

      Thanks for dropping by! I’m glad that you liked this One Click PayDay review =)

      There are so many products like this so it’s great that there are people who are doing their research before making a purchasing decision.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, have a great day!


  5. Yet another scam! I’m not surprised though because people are always trying to make a quick buck (or a million) even if it’s through dishonest means.

    Something to watch out for (which I’ve learned the hard way) is that you can’t get money without giving something in return (time, energy, opinions etc)

    People like this will always choose themselves over you. They will promise you the world but probably wouldn’t care if you ended up in a ditch somewhere as long as they get your money.

    That might sound a bit extreme but remember when you’re online you have to look out for yourself and be very selective as to who you give your hard earned cash.

    Always do the research (like Miren) and make sure you know exactly what you are signing up for.

    Great post Miren.

    1. Hi Renton,

      You’re right, these people don’t really care about ruining other people’s lives. They just want to get as much money as possible and don’t mind lying or deceiving… I’m glad that there are people who do their own research and don’t fall for these frauds.

      Glad that you enjoyed this post, have a great day! =)


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