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Is Viral Cash App by Matthew Neer a scam or legit? A non-affiliate review

is viral cash app a scam
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Welcome to my Viral Cash App review!

Have you come across Viral Cash App and are wondering if this program is going to help you become financially free or is Viral Cash App just another scam that will leave you with less than you have?

I’m glad that you’ve landed on this post because you’re going to find out what this Viral Cash App is really about, what they don’t tell you in the sales video and what you can expect from it.


Table of Contents

Viral Cash App review

Name: Viral Cash App

Website URL:

Creator: Matthew Neer 

Price: $47 or $24.95 + upsells

Launched in: March 2018

Overall Rating: 35/100


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Viral Cash App about?

The moment I came across the Viral Cash App sales page I thought it was another get-rich-quick scheme because its layout it’s like other scam pages.

But I didn’t want to judge it by its cover so I started watching the sales video and the first thing I watched was a news report about work-at-home jobs and local YouTubers, which has nothing to do with Viral Cash App.

is viral cash app a scam
Viral Cash App sales page

This doesn’t have anything to do with MLM, cryptocurrencies, paid surveys or e-commerce.

This product has been created by Matthew Neer, even though he doesn’t show up in the sales video, which I don’t like it because that’s what I’ve seen in most scam videos.

I’ve recognized him because I’ve watched other sales videos of some of his other products like Wealth Ascension.

So, what’s Viral Cash App? It’s supposed to be a software that profits from a $70 billion dollar free traffic source.

This app is said to be very easy because it doesn’t require you to install anything and there is no setup process. You just have to login and start using it to make money.

The only requirements you’re supposed to meet to make this work are these 3:

  • Have a basic level of computer skills, but not advanced.
  • Watch and share videos regularly on Facebook and YouTube.
  • Post a minimum of 10 videos using the Viral Cash App.

Everything Matthew says about this software sounds too good to be true, but there are some things he seems not to take into consideration, which I’m about to explain next.


Does Viral Cash App work?

According to Matthew, Viral Cash App does all the hard work and technical stuff for you, so you don’t need any technical skills or previous experience to make money with this software.

But is this really true? Let’s see how this is supposed to work and how it really works.


How Viral Cash App supposedly works

In order to start using it, you have to pay $47, even though you can get it for $24.95 if you try to exit the page.

After buying it, you only have to follow these steps:

  • Login
  • Choose a category (choose the niche you want to make money from)
  • Pick a keyword
  • Add monetization
  • Click “you’re done”

This software will create a website and will add the custom pages that contain other people’s content, ads and your links.

Most of the content are YouTube videos that people love watching because they’re funny, entertaining and surprising.

is viral cash app a scam
Example viral video

These kind of videos go viral, so a lot people will share them and this way you will get a lot of traffic to your website, so you will not have to do paid advertising to get visitors.

Once people land on your website, they will see the ads and you will start making money.

The more times your website link gets shared, the more people who will come to your site and the more views the ads on your site will get, which will generate more profits for you.


How Viral Cash App really works

There are some steps that Matthew has not explained thoroughly, so let’s see what you need to know.

When it comes to building your site, this is the problem:

  • You do not own your website. Matthew claims you will not have to purchase a domain or spend money on hosting, which means that your site will have a subdomain and will be owned by Matthew and his team. This is not good because you don’t have control over your site, so you’ll stop making money if they shut it down.

But that’s not the only problem, there are more:

  • Your website will not get organic traffic. Free organic traffic is the best kind of traffic your website can get, but the website built with the Viral Cash App will not get this kind of traffic because it will not get high rankings. This is because the content it contains it’s duplicated (other people’s videos), something that search engines like Google don’t like.
  • Conversions will be low. Your site will be monetized through ads and affiliate products that have nothing to do with the hilarious videos your visitors are interested in watching, so you can expect people to come to your site to watch the videos and leave without buying anything.
  • It’s not automated. You can’t just share your website link a few times and expect to get unlimited free traffic because not everyone who comes to your site will share your link. Therefore, you can’t expect to get many visitors to your site unless you have many followers on social media or a mailing list with lots of subscribers.


Click here to check out my top recommendation (FREE to get started)!


Is Viral Cash App a scam?

I wouldn’t consider the Viral Cash App to be 100% scam, but I feel it kind of scams people by giving them unrealistic expectations.

I’ve explained why it will not work like Matthew claims and now I’m going to post some scam signs that you need to be aware of:

  • The sales video is not private. Honestly, I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard Matthew claim that the video is not available to most people because it’s complete BS. Anyone who has an electronic device and Internet connection can watch that video.
is viral cash app a scam
Fake claim
  • It’s not as easy as they want you to believe. Matthew claims you will only have to click a few buttons to make money, which makes it sound like a push button system and get-rich-quick scheme. If softwares like this really worked, then everyone would be rich already.
is viral cash app a scam
“click a few buttons”
  • The upsells & downsells Matthew doesn’t mention. I found out that this software costs way more than $47. The truth is that it would make no sense that a software that can apparently make you a lot of money only cost $47. I personally don’t like programs or systems that hide something like the real cost. 
is viral cash app a scam
Viral Cash App upsells & downsells


Build a real online business 

Viral Cash App is not a 100% scam but I will not be recommending it because of the red flags I’ve posted and the fact that it will not work like Matthew claims.

Another thing is, you need to be careful with the fake reviews out there. There are people who promote these low-quality/scam programs just to make some fast cash.

I know I would probably earn more money if I did the same as them, but I don’t like ripping people off so I don’t promote programs or systems I don’t believe in.

The way you can leave these get-rich-quick schemes behind is by keeping in mind that there’s no push button system or program that will make you money easily without doing much work.

The day I realized that I wouldn’t earn anything without putting in the work is the day I started working my butt off, and I have no regrets.

I’m glad that I found out about a business model that has given me a way to make a consistent income month after month.

I don’t rely on a so-called software that has control over my business. I own my site and know how to get free organic traffic so I don’t need to do paid advertising if I don’t want to.

I believe that anyone who gets the right step-by-step training, marketing tools and support network can do what I’m doing and make a full-time income online.

If you’re willing to put in the effort and time, there’s no reason why you can’t make a full-time income online.

If you want to learn more about this business, click the button below now:

Is Wealthy Affiliate university a scam?

You will learn how this business works, how you can get started without spending a dime and more.

You’ll also be able to get help and support from a big community of bloggers and Internet entrepreneurs, including myself! 🙂 

Stop falling for the get-rich-quick schemes and start building your very own online business that’s viable for the long-term!


Thanks for reading this review, I hope you’ve found the answers you were looking for.

If you have any questions or opinions concerning Viral Cash App or anything else, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you soon.

Have an amazing day =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

31 thoughts on “Is Viral Cash App by Matthew Neer a scam or legit? A non-affiliate review

  1. Well, using other people’s content to make money is plagiarism. It’s the same as stealing basically. So I’d say it’s pretty much a scam, because of the way you’re supposed to make money here. Plus it has all the red flags that a scam has. For example, the sales video promising you riches and so on, or when you decide to leave, you get an offer to buy the product for a lower price. Classic scam!

    1. Hey there,

      I absolutely agree with you. The sales video is very similar to other scam videos I’ve come across. The only difference is that in most low-quality programs/scams the people running them don’t show up or lie about their identity, while in this one we know who’s the person behind it.

      Thanks for stopping by, have a great day =)


  2. Don’t become the hunted. Use common sense. That’s how these folks get people to buy these type of programs. They make it sound super easy and use all the hype to get you to buy and as soon as you do they hit you with an upgrade.

    Pay another $197 to get the full program. Then they also have everyone sharing these videos so it appears like everyone is buying these programs and making money. Just like you pointed out.

    We’re glad you caught this guy. People take Miren’s advice. Find a legitimate program that teaches you how to make money online the right way. Click on the big green button and find out the real deal about making money online.

    Thanks Miren. You just saved a bunch of people their hard earned cash. Great job.

    1. Hi Ken,

      Glad to know this review has been helpful.

      You’re right, these con artists always say what people want to hear. They take advantage of the fact that there are many misinformed people out there who are looking for a fast and easy way to make money.

      My mission is not only to inform people about these low-quality/scam products. I also want to give them a genuine and real solution and make them realize the true cost of success.

      Thanks for dropping by and have an amazing day =)


  3. I have not come across Viral Cash App, but I am glad I read this article and now I have the knowledge I need should I come across this, but I am interested in what you mention about Organic traffic.

    How do I get organic traffic without spending too much money and which social media app should I use? Thanks.

    1. Glad that you found this review useful!

      The way to get organic free traffic is by building a website about something you’re passionate about, writing articles that are relevant to your audience and getting them ranked on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Then people who’re looking for the information you’ve written about will find your posts.

      Thanks for dropping by and have a great day =)


  4. I,m looking on-line to make some extra coin, and who isnt. We all have bills, and I cant afford to invest into something thats not guarenteed. And I say this to all making money from home systems ,”if you,re that confident your system will work, why dont you figure out a way to front me/us the start up money? And when I,m generating $$, bill me or deduct from my account.

    1. Hey Jeff,

      The truth is that nothing is guaranteed in this life. College doesn’t guarantee that people will get the jobs they desire. Tomorrow is not even guaranteed. Everyone who has succeeded at something has had to take some kind of risk and put in the effort and time to achieve their goals.
      I personally believe that if you really want something, you will find a way to make it happen. Instead of saying that you can’t afford something, ask yourself how you can afford it.


  5. Thank you for the heads up. What good is it to have a “website” you can’t use? I guess for some people this would okay to try, my thoughts are why waste your money.
    You are so right there are so many scam sites out there it’s overwhelming. The ones that get rich are the ones behind the scams.

    1. You’re welcome, Wendi! 

      Yes, there are too many scams out there that only make the scammers richer, so people need to do their research in order to make a wise decision.



  6. Wow, Great Post! I really like how you give us (the readers) an in-depth look at what this product is about and you give us your honest opinion. I wasn’t familiar with this app until reading this review. After reading this, I wouldn’t even waste my money on something like this. Really nice work with the format of this review.

    Thanks for this!

  7. Hi!
    What do you think about Laptop Lifestyle?
    It seems to good to be truth and it costs 49$.

    Best Regards

    1. Hi Mikael,

      You’re right, it’s too good to be true. Laptop Lifestyle a.k.a. Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle is a high-ticket program and the real cost is waaay more than $49. You can check out the review I wrote here.

      I hope this helps!

  8. Miren, thank you very much for guiding me once again. Last time, I was falling for some scammer and you opened my eyes, showed me to wealthy affiliates and I’m a premium member with them. I have not been able to generate income yet but at least, I trust what I’m doing thanks to you for guiding me straight again, by the way I mentioned to kyle you was the reason for me to join so that you get the commision of me, thank you again, and much success to you.
    Mexicanito Mendoza

    1. Hey there Juan,

      I’m glad that you haven’t fallen for those scams and are on the right place to build your online business! You didn’t join as my referral so I don’t earn the commission if you pay for the Premium membership, but I’m glad to hear you’re having a great experience at WA =)


  9. Many thanks to you Miren, for your detailed honest appraisal! It is extremely rare, because most ‘reviews’ are nothing but scams by affiliates themselves. I bookmarked your page.
    Be well!

    1. Hi Ranganathan,

      You’re very welcome, I’m glad that you found this review helpful, it means a lot! You’re right, there are many affiliates who promote products like this just to make a quick buck.

      Best to you,

  10. I really enjoyed your review, I had already figured out that this was just another get rich scam. But wanted to see what other people were saying. And I like that you actually answer questions put to you in the comments. As well there isn’t any big beat me over the beat to take a look at what you can offer me. The soft sell as they use to call it. It works. I have a question – what got you into doing this site and especially reviewing things like the “viral cash app”

    1. Hi Anjali,

      Glad that you enjoyed reading this review! It’s good to read other people’s opinions to open your mind to new ideas =) I remember I almost got scammed when I was getting started some years ago, and I also remember reading lots of comments from people who were looking to make money online but had fallen for scams so I felt bad for them and was like “if I could expose those scams…”. This is one of the main reasons why I created this site.

      Thanks for commenting! Have a great day =)

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  12. The name itself which called as Viral Cash app rings alarm bells for me. It is funny how they got up with that name. Would you tell me more on the 4 steps no scam method which you are recommending? I would be interested to know. I am a very good student.

  13. I can only say that yes it’s a scam. It just doesn’t have any substance to stand up to the claims that it works.

    I know no one who uses it, but I can’t see they can make any money with this scheme. I’m sure Google will blacklist your site as soon it is up.

    When I watch viral videos I’m not interested in purchasing anything, just out to have fun.

    Oh, and the fake people in their promo videos? Dead to rights a scam

  14. Hey Miren;

    Thanks for the presentation on why you don’t recommend Viral Cash. I’ve also learned that if something appears to promise quick income with little work, then it is not a good idea to buy in. Real online success requires working your business as any normal business, with effort and commitment.

    You said that you don’t actually own a website with Viral Cash because it is a sub-domain (which is a no-no for me right off the bat.). But, do you know if they actually offer that option? I’m assuming if they do, it would cost extra.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion and review about this particular online program.
    Stella 🙂

  15. Being able to find reviews like these will allow me to be aware of the scams. very detailed article on this cash app that promised person perfect results which is not exactly so. 

    I have realized that recently there are alot of similar systems online that promises great results for persons that are looking for ways to make money online. 

    Most are similar to this viral cash app which promises you to make money by just the push of a button. 

    But after purchasing these product you realize that its nothing but a scam.Most also promises money back guarantee and at the time when you request for a refund you are unable to get it. 

    I am glad you provide these details on this product so more individuals can be aware that this is a scam.  

  16. Everything that seems to be very good … is not real. You made a very good review of the Viral Cash App: how it works, the descriptions of its features, and yes it looks as a spam. By your links, you made the promotion to Wealthy Affiliate; a legitimate program to work online. I liked your article, it was very informative.  Well done!

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