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Get Money Relief review – Is it a scam or earn $2,700 per day?

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Welcome to my Get Money Relief review!

Have you come across Get Money Relief ( and are wondering if it’s possible for you to make a full-time income with this? Or is Get Money Relief a scam that will leave you with less money at the end of the day?

There are so many scams out there that come in different forms so I’m glad that you’ve done your research and have come across my review because you’re going to find out the truth about this product.


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Get Money Relief review

Name: Get Money Relief 

Website URL:

Owner: “William Johnson”

Price: $97 + $10,000s

Overall Ranking: 2/10


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Get Money Relief about?

The first squeeze page for Get Money Relief can really get you excited because of all the amazing claims made.

You’ve finally found the program that will supposedly enable you to:

  • Give you everything you need to start making money.
  • Take control of your finances.
  • Set your own schedule.
  • Work from wherever you want.

Oh, and it doesn’t even require you to have any experience or technical skills to start earning cash. 

The spokesman wants you to believe that this system does not require you to do much work to start making a full-time income from home.

He even claims that you can become a full-time entrepreneur just in a few weeks after getting started. And thanks to this, you will be able to live the life of your dreams. A life where you can take as many vacations as you want without worrying about paying the bills.

It all sounds like a dream come true, but the truth is that he just tells you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear.

There are many things that you need to know in order to make an informed decision, but he says nothing about it. He just wants you to buy into this program all excited thinking that your laptop lifestyle dream is going to come true in a short period of time.

So that’s why I’m here. I want you to know how this program really works so that you end up making the best possible decision at the end.


How Get Money Relief really works

The truth is that Get Money Relief doesn’t work like the spokesman claims.

What Get Money Relief really is is a page that was created back in January 2018, and it’s being used to promote another program they don’t tell you about.

This program they’re trying to get you into is a high-ticket MLM program that provides digital marketing training.

Even though their training is good, I don’t like the fact that it basically teaches people to make money selling the company’s products (digital marketing packages in this case). 

Wondering the name of this program? It’s MOBE (My Own Business Education), you probably have heard of it because it’s been around for some years already.

I know MOBE is the real program because I saw the name appears in those people’s shirts in the Get Money Relief sales video.

is get money relief a scam

The $97 initial fee is just to get access to a 21-step training, which will teach you what you’ll have to do to make money with this program and will also get you ready to do the massive spending on MOBE’s packages and memberships.

Below you can observe the packages cost:

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Price of MOBE’s packages

As you can see above, the packages are quite expensive. The cheapest one costs over $2,000 already! Not to mention the monthly or yearly membership fees.

The thing is, you’re required to purchase all the packages you want to earn commissions from. 

For example, if you purchase the Silver package but you sell the Gold package, you will not earn the big commission. Your commission will go to your personal mentor instead.

The truth is that this mentor is not really a mentor. He/She’s a sales rep and will not only help you recruit people into the program, he/she will also try to get you to buy the MOBE’s expensive packages in order to make commissions off your purchases.

And then, if you end up buying those packages, you will have to do massive recruiting and get your referrals to buy the same you’ve bought in order to make the big bucks, which is not as easy as it might seem.


It’s harder than it seems

In order to get other people to buy into MOBE, you’ll have to use the “done-for-you” landing pages and squeeze pages that they provide. 

The thing is, these pages you get don’t have the potential to get free traffic from the search engines like Google, so you will have to pay for ads to bring visitors to those pages.

Paid advertising is quite risky for those who are getting started because it requires you to have a minimum of capital as you’ll have to do a lot of testing to find out what works and what doesn’t work.

So you’ll have to spend a lot of money on paid ads to find the few people who are willing to invest thousands of dollars on MOBE’s packages.

I mean, most people don’t have thousands of dollars laying around ready to be spent. That’s why this is not as easy as they claim.


Is Get Money Relief a scam?

Yes, Get Money Relief is a scam because it’s not the name of the program you’re paying for.

Getting something different than what you’ve spent your money on, is a scam in my opinion. I mean, you wouldn’t like to buy a t-shirt and get a sweater on delivery day, right?

There are many red flags in the Get Money Relief sales page and video that make me conclude this is not legit.

Let’s see some scam signs I’ve found out:


The creator of Get Money Relief doesn’t show up

The spokesman claims to be William Johnson, but he doesn’t show any picture of him so there’s no way to know who he really is.

is get money relief a scam
“William Johnson”

I mean, anyone can hide and lie about their name. In fact, scam artists usually use other people’s pictures to create fake characters or hide their identities. That’s why I usually don’t trust sites whose owners don’t show up.

In this case, the owner of Get Money Relief is a MOBE affiliate, but the fact that he doesn’t show up indicates a lack of transparency.


“$500 rebate” lie

The spokesman claims you’re going to get a $500 rebate as the regular price is $597 but now you can get it for $97.

is get money relief a scam
Fake claim

However, this is completely fake because the real price is not $597, it costs thousands of dollars as I’ve explained earlier in this review.


“You must be a legal American citizen” lie

According to the spokesman, you must be from America in order to use this system but I know this is not true because I’m from Barcelona and still got access to it.

As you can observe below I underlined “Barcelona”, so there’s no way this is only for Americans.

is get money relief a scam
False claim

The “limited availability” claim is also fake because you can check it out another day and nothing will have changed.

The truth is that they want as many people as possible to join so the number of spots available is unlimited.


Build a real online business

I definitely do not recommend that you fall for Get Money Relief and buy into MOBE for several reasons.

Even though MOBE is not a scam, I personally don’t like the fact that they’re not honest about what you’re really getting involved with and how much it really costs.

They’re not even transparent about what it takes to earn money and trick you into thinking that you can make a lot of money in a short amount of time without doing much work.

It’s very unethical the way they’re marketing this so I personally will not get involved with this program.

Apart from that, it’s not necessary to pay thousands of dollars to make a full-time income online.

The business model I use has given me a way to earn a consistent income month after month and haven’t had to make a huge investment to do this.

In fact, it allows you to choose the products you want to make money from, without having to buy them.

I also love the fact that this business model has shown me how to bring free organic traffic to a website, so I don’t need to spend money on paid ads. 

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By clicking the button above now, you will learn how this business works, how and where you can get started for free today and more.

You’ll find out the place where I got started back in 2016 and still very active today as it’s being constantly updated and improved =)

In addition, you’ll get to meet other bloggers and Internet entrepreneurs and will get my help and support as well.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme and it requires you to put in the effort and time, but if you’re willing to do what it takes then you can make this happen!


I hope you have found the answers you were looking for regarding Get Money Relief.

In case you have any questions or opinions, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

All the best 🙂 

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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