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Fast Lane Lifestyle review – Scam or $1597.42 per day?

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Welcome to my review of Fast Lane Lifestyle!

You’ve stumbled upon Fast Lane Lifestyle and are wondering whether it’s a scam or the real deal, am I right?

Well I’ve looked deep into it and have done intensive research to write this review where I’ll tell you what you need to know about Fast Lane Lifestyle.

By the end of this review you’ll have enough information to make the right choice for you.


Table of Contents

Fast Lane Lifestyle review

Name: Fast Lane Lifestyle


Owner: “Tim Fletcher”

Price: $47, $37 or $17 + upsells

Created in: 2017

Overall Rating: 11/100


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!


What is Fast Lane Lifestyle about?

The Fast Lane Lifestyle sales page looks like other scams pages, a page with a video and a high income claim in little time. 

But we can’t judge a book by its cover so I watched the sales video just to find out if it was worth it or not.

The man who narrates the video claims to be Tim Fletcher, the alleged creator of Fast Lane Lifestyle.

He talks negative about the scam artists and fake gurus and claims that they can leave that page if they’re watching the video as he doesn’t want anything to do with them. 

He claims to have got scammed but one day he recruited other people who were failing to make money online to find out what the gurus were hiding from them.

And then he created the Fast Lane Lifestyle system, which is supposed to create websites that profit on auto-pilot. This system doesn’t require you to worry about traffic generation, web servers, domains or IP addresses. 

He merely focuses on how this system will earn you commissions just after you set it up without having to do much work to keep making money. 

However, he doesn’t explain what kind of sites this system creates and what they sell to make money, which is a red flag.

What we know for sure is that Fast Lane Lifestyle doesn’t have anything to do with MOBE, Digital Altitude, Shopify or binary options.

is fast lane lifestyle a scam
Fast Lane Lifestyle sales page

The fact that he claims this system will make you commissions tells us that you the “profit sites” it creates are supposed to make money by selling other people’s products. But will it work as fast as he claims? Let’s talk about it in the next section.


Can Fast Lane Lifestyle make you money?

It’s possible to make money by selling other people’s products.

However, Fast Lane Lifestyle are not doing this the right way as they bash methods that work.

“Tim” claims that he’s not doing any SEO or link building as they’re time wasting stuff.

This is BS because he’s saying that these sites this system creates are not going to rely on organic traffic. Then what kind of traffic are they going to get? We all know that sites can’t make money without getting traffic.

I believe these sites you’re going to get are sites that use autoblogging to generate content, what means that this system is going to take content from other sites, which is not legit.

This is a problem because the content is going to be duplicated and the problem here is that search engines like Google don’t like these sites and don’t rank them.

In order to get traffic to those kind of sites they’ll tell you to do paid advertising which can be kind of risky if you’re on a low budget, but the problem does not end here.

Who’s going to like a site that has poor quality content? I don’t know about you, but when I come across a site whose content is unintelligible, I leave it.

That’s why those websites that Fast Lane Lifestyle offers will not make money. They’re using methods that no longer work.

Furthermore, if you go check out their disclaimer at the bottom of the sales page, you’ll read the truth.

is fast lane lifestyle a scam
Fast Lane Lifestyle disclaimer

You can read that the typical person who purchases Fast Lane Lifestyle doesn’t make any money. They can tell you all the fairy tales and lies they want in their sales video that they’ll get away with it as long as they tell the truth in the disclaimer.


What if you join Fast Lane Lifestyle?

Fast Lane Lifestyle is said to cost $47 but you can get it for $17 if you try to leave their sales page twice. 

is fast lane lifestyle a scam
“$17 one time payment”

But the $17 is only the beginning. After buying it, they’ll try to get as much as they can from you by telling you that you need those products in order to make money.

There’s no problem in offering products that are valuable and can help you out, but the products these scam artists are going to try to sell you are other crappy and scam products. You can’t expect anything good from these scammers. 

First of all, they ask for your email address without telling you what you’re going to exactly get after paying the initial fee. And then they don’t even mention the hidden costs.

After paying the initial fee, this is what will most probably happen:

  • In the members area you’ll find other low quality products to purchase.
  • They’ll send you spam emails related to other scam offers or products.
  • They’ll sell your information to other scammers.

This is how these kind of scams work. The good thing here is that ClickBetter is the payment processor, which means that you can ask them for a refund if you’ve fallen for this scam. 

You also need to keep in mind that the other products those con artists will try to sell you are not covered in the refund policy.


Is Fast Lane Lifestyle a scam?

Fast Lane Lifestyle can be considered a scam since it doesn’t live up to its promises. 

We’ve seen why it will not work and what you can expect if you purchase it.

Another thing you need to be aware of are the red flags that are present in the sales page and video:

  • Tim Fletcher is a fictitious character. The picture of the man who is supposed to be Tim Fletcher is a stock picture that can be purchased on GettyImages and the man who narrates the Fast Lane Lifestyle sales video is a voice actor.
is fast lane lifestyle a scam
“Tim Fletcher”
is fast lane lifestyle a scam
Proof 1
  • No one has made money with this system. The testimonials that appear in the sales video are actors that have been paid to recite the script the scammers have given to them. This woman you can see below is a Fiverr actress and she’s also appeared in other scams like Million Dollar Months:
is fast lane lifestyle a scam
Fake testimonial (Fast Lane Lifestyle)
is million dollar months a scam
False testimonial (Million Dollar Months)
  • They lie about what it takes to make money online. They claim it’s so easy and you’ll only have to click a few buttons to make this system work so you will not have to dedicate long hours to it to make money. This is completely fake because making money online requires real work and none of these so-called automated systems will make you money. If these systems really worked, don’t you think everyone would be rich by now?
is fast lane lifestyle a scam
Fake claim


My final conclusion and a real place to make money online

Fast Lane Lifestyle has too many red flags that tell us this product should not be trusted. After everything I’ve explained, you may know that there’s no way I will be recommending it.

They lack important information about what they’re offering and they’re using unethical marketing tactics to get your money so I suggest that you stay away from it.

Fast Lane Lifestyle is no different from these other sites and crappy products I’ve reviewed in the past:

The way you can stop falling for these scams is to realize that no one will give you easy and fast money and you’ll have to work real hard and have patience to earn a living online.

If you’re committed to doing what it takes to make a full-time income online, you’ll love my favorite digital marketing platform because they offer step-by-step training, courses and tools that will help you build a thriving long-term business online.

This is where I got started and I’ve never looked back since. This platform is full of bloggers and business owners who will support and help you out when you have any questions. There has always been someone who has answered my questions so you can rest assured knowing that you won’t have to do this alone!

There are many things I love about this platform (one of them is that it’s free to join) but I won’t explain it all here as this review would be too long lol. If you’re interested in learning more, click the button below to read my review of my top recommendation now:

wealthy affiliate my top recommendation


This is your time to stop getting scammed and get on the right track to success!

I hope this review has been helpful to you and you now have enough information to make the choice that best meets your needs.

In case you have any questions or opinions, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll reply ASAP. I’m always glad to hear from you!

Whatever you do next, I wish you the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

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