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Easy eCash SCAM? Review reveals what they FORGOT to tell you!

Easy eCash scam review
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Will Easy eCash scam you and leave you with less money than you currently have?

Or is a legit system that can help you make money with eBay?

If that’s what you’re wondering, I’m glad that you have found this Easy eCash review because here I reveal how this system really operates.

Knowing that the Internet is full of frauds, it’s great that you’re doing your due diligence. That’s the way to avoid scams and find the genuine way to earn passive income every day =)

To be straightforward with you, here you will not find any affiliate link because I am not promoting Easy eCash.

My purpose with this post is to help you decide whether Easy eCash is right for you or if you should avoid it.


Table of Contents

Easy eCash review summary

Name: Easy eCash


Creators: Will Allen, Pallab Ghosal and Ram Rawat

Price: $12.15 + upsells

Launched in: November 2019

Recommended? No


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What is Easy eCash about?

I recently received an email about this new product called Easy eCash, so I thought I would check it out to see if this one would be different from many of the programs I have come across.

The moment I saw the sales page, I didn’t have high hopes for it because it looked very similar to other sales pages I’ve come across.

According to the info on the sales page, this program can help you make over a thousand dollars per month on eBay, and you only have to work part-time.

You don’t need to create your own product, you don’t need a website and you don’t even need an email list.

Oh, and they also claim you don’t need to spend money on paid advertising or local marketing. It sounds as a system that allows you to earn money online without doing much work, doesn’t it?

Easy eCash is like other programs I have reviewed, a program that has a sales page full of hype but doesn’t deliver much. 

The difference between Easy eCash and other WarriorPlus products is that Easy eCash is about making money on eBay.

Many of these products are called in a way that makes them sound as get-rich-quick schemes. Many of them contain the word “easy” or the word “fast”, but once you have bought them, you realize that there’s no easy or fast cash to be earned.

Will Allen, one of the creators of Easy eCash, claims you can start making money the same day you get started. This is such a bold claim because making money online doesn’t happen right away, no matter the method you use.

Another thing I don’t like about the sales page is that they claim you can start for free, which is not true because Easy eCash costs at least $12.

I personally don’t like it when they are not straightforward about the cost because it can give potential customers false expectations, which can get them disappointed. 

It’s completely possible to earn at least $1245 per month with eBay, but if you’re only willing to work on it in your spare time, it’s not likely to happen. 

If you’re starting out and have never made money online, you need to be prepared to learn and work hard at the beginning. I believe that someone who already has some experience in Internet marketing can make money on eBay within the next 24 hours, but not someone who’s a beginner.


How Easy eCash really works

Easy eCash teaches you how to profit with eBay. There are various options to earn from eBay: sell physical products you own, dropshipping, resell products…

But Easy eCash focus on the business of reselling products. The training will show you where to find good products to sell on eBay.

It’s about findind products for a low price or even free and then sell them at a higher price. There are many people using this business model as it’s not new, so you can expect there’s a lot of competition.

You need to take into account that you need some money to start and ship the products. You need to also take care of refunds and deal with customers.

This business is not something that you can do in your spare time and expect to succeed because you also need to spend time on product research and you also have to consider if there are other people selling the same products and their prices. 

There will be products that have more competition than others, which means that you cannot expect to have a high profit margin for those kind of products. 

In addition, you also have to spend time on posting photos of your products and writing their descriptions. 

As you can see, this business takes way more than just your spare time to succeed. That’s why I see the Easy eCash sales presentation a bit misleading.

The Easy eCash members area contains some videos on how to set up your eBay account (which is not hard and you can even find this info for free), some websites where you can find products to sell, how to list the products, some case studies…

Note that everyone who buys Easy eCash gets to know this information, which means that it will increase the competition for some products.


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Does it only cost $12.15?

$12.15 is the cost to access the main product, but after spending $12.15, you can expect to get bombarded with some upsells and downsells.

Here you can see the sales funnel:

Easy eCash sales funnel

The main product gives you access to some videos, but you won’t get any tools. I don’t like the fact that Easy eCash is being advertised as if you only needed $12.15 to start making over $1,000 per month, since the information provided in the front-end product is not enough to reach that income.

$12.15 is not expensive and many people can afford it, so you can expect some competition for the products you want to profit from. 

I personally don’t believe that the upsells are worth the price because it’s possible to find this information on other sources for a lower price. I guess the good thing is that it can save you some research time.


What I like about Easy eCash

Unlike other products I have reviewed, Easy eCash reveals who’s behind it.

The program was created by Will Allen, Pallab Ghosal (who’s behind Incognito by Brendan Mace) and Ram Rawat. I like the fact that they’re real people and not some fake characters.

You would be surprised at how many products and sites hide their owners or have pen names for people who don’t want to reveal their identities, since they know that their product/business is not good for customers.

I’m glad to see that Will Allen also provides a link where you can find a contact form to contact him. Many of the businesses I’ve reviewed provide fake contact information.

With that said, I also want to point out that these guys have created other products and use other methods to make money online. Just because they talk about a certain business, it doesn’t mean they use it themselves to make most of their money.

Apart from the fact that the owners show up, I also like that there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee for the main product. If you buy it and end up not liking it, you can ask WarriorPlus for a refund.


Will Easy eCash scam you?

The answer to this question depends on your expectations.

If you buy Easy eCash because you want to learn how to make money with eBay, then you will not consider it a scam because you get some training videos on how to start this business.

However, if you purchase Easy eCash because you need to make money within a short period of time, you will feel ripped off because that’s not likely to happen.

It’s possible to earn $1,200 per month with eBay and even more, but if you’re starting out you will need to put in a lot of effort and time before reaching that level. 

If you want to become an eBay seller, then you may find Easy eCash valuable and a good program to get started. Know that there’s no guarantee you will start making money soon.

In case you want to become an eBay seller but don’t want to spend a dime to get started, you will have to spend time to find that information for free.

What you decide to do is up to you, I personally won’t be spending my time or money on Easy eCash because there are better businesses out there, so I conclude that I do not recommend Easy eCash.


This is what has worked for me

You know what? Some years ago I actually made money by selling stuff on eBay, but I quitted.

I didn’t like dealing with refunds as it was exhausting, and I spent a lot of time researching for products that couldn’t have high profit margins because there was a lot of competition. 

I’m glad that I found a business model that didn’t require me to do any of that.

This business doesn’t require you to create your own products either, but you won’t have to take care of refunds or deal with customers. 

It’s about sending traffic to other websites or companies that are willing to pay you to help them make sales.

You don’t need to be good at sales to do this, you just need to bring targeted traffic to other sites.

Something cool is that you don’t need to spend money on paid advertising, and you can choose between lots of products & services to profit from. You can decide to make money from a product you personally use or like 🙂

I’m living proof this business works, as you can see in my payment proof:

Income Magnet review income proof

If I could do it, I believe that anyone who puts in the work and time can achieve great results. I didn’t have any experience or skills when I started, and English is not my first language. That’s why I’m convinced that anyone can do this.

If you’re willing to do what it takes, I invite you to read my FREE guide:

My guide is FREE (no login information required, just click here to start reading it), which means that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain 🙂

Oh, and don’t you worry if you ever get stuck or need support! In my free guide you will learn how you can get answers to your questions and help from me and other Internet marketers, I’ll show you a big community of people who help each other =)

Stop wasting your time on old businesses and start your passive income journey today!

I will leave this quote here:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

I hope this Easy eCash scam review has been helpful to you and you will make the best possible decision.

Feel free to share it with whoever you believe that will benefit from it!

If there’s something else you want to know or you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts with us, please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you all!

Whatever you do next, I wish you nothing but the best =)

Miren Ribera

Hey there! I’m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

4 thoughts on “Easy eCash SCAM? Review reveals what they FORGOT to tell you!

  1. I usually dislike programs with upsells because most of the time we will not be informed that there are upsells and if we finally meet the upsells and cannot afford it, then we have wasted our money and time too. Easy ECash SCAM has upsells which I don’t like…. I’m backing off

    1. Hey there,

      Thanks for offering your thoughts, I agree with you. Most programs that have upsells are not transparent about it, and buyers can end up feeling ripped off because they didn’t expect it would cost them that much.

      Best wishes 🙂

  2. Easy ECash SCAM is overhyped. How can they claim that it will help someone to make over a thousand dollars per month on eBay, and one only have to work part-time? Now sounding like a Get quick rich scheme. What I know is that it may take a lot of time and hardwork before one can start making money online just like you have said, period!

    Beware of fake claims guys!

    1. Hi there,

      I agree with you. It takes effort and time to start making money, I hope beginners realize it and don’t let those scammers fool them.

      Thanks for your thoughts, best to you 🙂

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