Hey there!
I’ve stumbled upon a site called CFD Society so I thought that I’d investigate it to find out if it’s worth our time or money or it’s just another ugly scam.
In this review I’m going to explain what CFD Society is about, how it works and most importantly, whether it can benefit you or not.
Table of Contents
CFD Society review
Name: CFD Society
- www.cfdsociety.com
- www.cfdsociety.org
- www.cfdsociety.net
- www.cfd-society.com
- www.cfd-society.org
- www.cfd-society.net
Owner: Chris Chase
Created in: 2017
Price: “Free”
Overall rating: 6/100
If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!
What is CFD Society?
CFD Society is supposed to be a signaling system that lets you siphon thousands of dollars a week from the stock market.
Its owner, Chris Chase, claims to have been a highly successful CFD (Contract For Differences) trader for over 18 years and managed funds in excess of $80 million. He says he wanted to build a signaling system that would beat any of the scams, so that’s what he did because he wanted to manage their clients accounts and make them profits.
This software is supposed to have an accuracy level of 97% reveal which assets have the highest winning profitability. He states that he’s giving the chance to get a free copy of this system to 100 new members and that is guaranteed to make them at least $60,000 a year while only working 20 min or less per day.
Doesn’t it sound too good to be true? If this was real then a lot of people would already be relying on this system. But don’t be blind to those claims, when someone says that you can earn that “quit your job” money without putting in the effort, start suspecting because they’re more likely trying to fool you.
Is CFD Society a scam?
Well, so I watched both videos (the presentation video and the video you’re redirected after entering a name and email) and did a research to conclude that unfortunately, CFD Society is a scam.
In this section I’m going to post some proofs that show CFD Society is a dangerous scam that everybody needs to avoid.
Chris Chase is a fictional character
I searched information about the presumed creator of the system, Chris Chase, but didn’t find anything of relevance. This man doesn’t appear on any of those finance and business news websites like Forbes or Fortune.
I also realized that the CFD Society website is in more languages like Spanish so I took a look at them to see if there was any difference between the English version and the Spanish one. If you check it out in English (www.cfdsociety.com) you’ll meet “Chris Chase”, but if you check it out in Spanish you’ll meet “Jorge Rocha”. The thing is, the picture remains the same.
How can the same person have a different name when you check the website in another language? Obviously, the person in the picture is a stock model (you can find the picture here) and his history & identity are all invented by the people behind this hoax.

Fake reviews & testimonials
If the supposed creator of CFD Society is fake, then what can we expect from the reviews? Clearly, they’re not real. I checked them in English and Spanish and saw that they’re merely translated from language to language, the testimonial’s names change but the pictures are the same. It surely doesn’t make any sense, does it?

Fake trades
In the second page (after posting a name and email), I saw a trades history. However, after observing it for a while, I found out it’s fake as the execution date (August 4th 2016) is previous to the domain registration date (January 18th 2017). This means that CFD Society didn’t exist in 2016 so the execution time of these trades can’t be real.

Annoying pop-up
The pop-up that appears when you’re about to exit the CFD Society website is so common in this kind of scams and those crooks use it as a way to get you into this fraud before you leave the page.
See how they try to catch you by making empty promises of easy money ($60K a year while working less than 20 min per day)?

Lies and manipulation
They lie and play with your emotions & feelings in order to manipulate and deceit you so you end up falling for their crap.
- “The private invitation”. I surely have not received any private invitation from anybody, I found that website by doing a Google search. They just claim that to make you believe that not many people have that opportunity and that you’ve been one of the selected ones to get you excited. The truth is that that website is public and anyone who has an Internet connection can access it.

- “You pay nothing”. They claim that this signaling system is completely free, but it costs money. The truth is that they’ll tell you to fund your trading account with $250 as a minimum. And the moment you make this investment, you’re already paying them because the broker won’t let you withdraw your money (no matter if you win or lose the trades). Don’t be tricked by the misleading claims they make.

- “Your link expires”. They claim that you won’t have this opportunity later to make you hurry up to activate your account so they can steal your money as soon as possible, but the truth is that their website is always available.

What if you joined CFD Society?
One thing that I noticed is that this scam pretends to be different from most scams that operate the same way, since in this scam they claim that you can earn $60K a year while most scams say that you can earn millions. The “$60K a year” is to make it look legitimate and more realistic than the ones who claim that you can make a fortune just by clicking a couple buttons.
Once you’ve registered by entering your name, email, phone number and a password, you’ll be taken to a trading account and will be told to make the $250 investment (their recommended broker’s requirement) to set up your account. Without funding your account, you won’t be able to start trading.
The scam comes into play the moment you fund your account, since their recommended broker will manage your money and won’t let you withdraw it. The people who’ve created CFD Society will get paid commissions from having brought you to that unlicensed broker, so everyone behind this “signaling system” will profit except you.
If you contact these crooks to ask for a refund, they won’t reply or will make excuses as to why you can’t withdraw your money, and will surely try to incite you to invest more by telling you that the more you invest the more you’ll earn.
Take into account that they’ll call you or send you spam emails and even sell your personal information. Therefore, I highly recommend that you stay away from CFD Society because it won’t make you any penny, it’ll make you lose money and leave you frustrated and upset.
This scam is very similar to other scams I also exposed like 1K Daily Profit and Dubai Lifestyle App, since their respective websites have the same layout and present the same scam signs.
A legit money-making opportunity
I believe I’ve provided enough proofs that expose CFD Society as the scam it is. Everything about it it’s fake and create to make these swindlers rich. Their main goal is to steal as much money as possible from hard-working people without any kind of remorse or regret, something that it’s just too unfair.
If you’ve been scammed before, don’t let it make you lose hope or faith. Earning money online is possible, but it’s not quick or easy like those fraudsters claim it to be, it requires hard work, passion and consistency, among others.
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I hope this review has been of help to you, and that you never fall for frauds like CFD Society.
Please feel free to share this review on social networks so other people get to know about this scam and avoid it.
If you have any comments or questions about CFD Society, other online programs or Wealthy Affiliate, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and I’ll be glad to reply.
Thank you for dropping by! 😀