Today when I was reviewing My Online Business, I came across another work from home opportunity called Auto Home Profits so I thought I would review this one too.
In this review I will explain what this program is really about and whether it’s a reliable source to make money online or not.
Let’s find out the truth about Auto Home Profits!
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Auto Home Profits review
Name: Auto Home Profits
- http://autohomeprofits.com/lp-cb/info/info.php
- http://autohomeprofits.com/lp/info/index.php
Owner: “Shelly Davis”
Created in: 2016
Price: $47 or $97 + upsells
Overall Rating: 19/100
If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!
What is Auto Home Profits about?
Auto Home Profits claims to be the first choice for an Internet career, but is it really true?
According to the sales page, they’re offering you the chance to earn $379 per day just by spending 60 minutes.
These are supposed to be some of the features of this work-from-home opportunity:
- You don’t need any skills, knowledge, experience or education so anyone can do it.
- You can become financially free not to have to worry about money again and live your dream lifestyle.
- You can start making money the day you join the program.
- You don’t have to work hard to start earning money.
Sounds familiar? I’ve heard the same thing in other crappy programs and scam products.
They promise you’ll make money fast and with little effort. I know this idea sounds attractive, especially if you’re on a low budget or unemployed, but it’s not real.
I’ve found two sales pages for this program, which contain the same information even though they’re not 100% duplicated.
I guess they’ve created two pages (I listed them in the previous section) to reach more people, but they’ve actually messed it up by doing this. They’ve exposed the real nature of Auto Home Profits.
If you read the entire sales page, you’ll get to know the story of the supposed creator of this program, Shelly Davis, a single mother with two daughters who had two jobs but still struggling to pay the bills.
One day she met a man who was working from home and told her to try it out. Then she quitted her jobs and now she only has to work from 1 to 4 hours per day and she’s earning a lot more than before.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve read similar stories other times. And I know lots of them are not real, they’re invented.
People behind these scammy products and programs make up stories their victims can relate to, just to convince them that what they’re offering will give them success.
However, if you take a closer look at the sales page and rationalize, you’ll realize that everything they say is pure BS.
What do you get with Auto Home Profits?
They claim that there are a lot of companies that need people to post links and pay them to do so.
However, they don’t say where you’re going to post links like it could be posting links in a website, in social networks, in forums…
Apart from that, they say that you can earn like $44 for each link you post. But they don’t explain where the money comes from.
How do those companies that are supposed to pay you generate profits? It’s simple, by selling a product/service.
Therefore, it doesn’t make sense that they’re going to pay you just to post links. You posting links doesn’t guarantee those companies will make products sales.
Those companies will only pay you commissions when you sell their products.
Let’s say that you post those links on social media, unless you have lots of followers you won’t make any sale. Posting lots of links would be considered spam too.
In case you’re thinking of posting the links in a website, you’ll first need to create valuable content relevant to your audience and then attract visitors.
You can’t create a website just to post links. What would you do if you came across a website where there’s only links? I would exit it.
So you won’t make money the way it’s said in the Auto Home Pofits site.
This is what they claim that you’ll get if you purchase that program:
- Access to the new and constantly updated exclusive membership.
- You’ll find out which links offer the highest pay.
- You’ll get access to tons of insider tools that will make posting links as easy and fast.
- You’ll get tons of extra resources that will help you make money.
- You’ll get complete access to the 21-Step training center.
No matter how fast or easy it is to post links, you won’t get paid if nobody clicks the links and purchases the products.
Don’t you think that companies would go bankrupt if they paid people for just posting links but made no sales?
Apart from that, if it were that easy everybody would be doing it and would have quitted their jobs already.
Another misleading thing about Auto Home Profits is the price. If you check out the two sales pages, you’ll see that in one the price is $47 and in the other $97.
I was like “maybe they’re not offering the same stuff” but I was wrong. They’re offering the same for a different price, as you can see below:

No matter what package you buy, you’ll get the same. It doesn’t make sense like why what kind of value does their training really have?
I don’t think they’re offering a training of good quality because of the red flags I’ve noticed in the sales pages, and the little note you can find at the bottom of one of the sales pages already tells you what you need to know:

As you can read above, the typical buyer doesn’t earn money using Auto Home Profits and you’re not guaranteed any income or success. This proves that the claims on the sales page are fake and should not be trusted.
Is Auto Home Profits a scam?
Yes, Auto Home Profits is a scam. Their two sales pages present some red flags that I’m going to post in this section.
Fake news
At the top of the sales pages, you can see some logos of famous news networks:

Truth be told, Auto Home Profits has nothing to do with those news networks. They’ve posted the logos to make it gain credibility and make you think it’s popular.
However, if you search for this program on Fox News, USA Today, ABC or MSNBC, you will not find anything.
Who is Shelly Davis?
I found out that Shelly Davis is just a fictitious character, just the story they tell about her. It’s all made up to sell you the scam.
If you take a look at the two sales page, you’ll see that they change the picture where appears the woman who is supposed to be Shelly Davis.
I took screenshots to show what I mean:

So Shelly Davis is supposed to be a woman with blonde hair as we can see in the picture above.
However, in the other Auto Home Profits sales page we can see a different thing:

As you can observe, in the other sales page you’ll see a woman with brunette hair who is supposed to be Shelly Davis.
This shows us that Shelly Davis does not exist and they’ve got those pictures from other sites around the net.
Take a look at this too. This person’s name is Raena Lynn, from another scam I reviewed called Automated Daily Income. Another proof that show that Auto Home Profits is fabricated.

As you can observe in the three screenshots above, the sob story is the same. A story that has been invented to make you purchase these scams.
The testimonials and comments are not real
On the two sales pages of Auto Home Profits appear some comments and pictures that are supposed to be opinions from members of this program.
However, they’re fake just like the owner. I wasn’t even surprised to be honest. It’s what I was expecting after finding out the fakeness of the creator.
Let’s take a look at one of them:

This picture above can be found on several websites:

It’s clear that they’ve stolen, downloaded or purchased that picture to use it as a testimonial. Same happens with the rest of the pictures and comments on the Auto Home Profits site. There’s nothing genuine about those opinions or testimonials, it’s all fabricated.
A little observation
If you have stumbled upon another scam called Automated Daily Income, you may have noticed that its logo is very similar to the Auto Home Profits logo.

Not only that, their respective sales pages are very similar and share the same story. I wouldn’t be surprised that the same people are behind these two scams.
Automated Daily Income is a sales page made by one of MOBE’s (My Online Business Education) affiliates, so expect to get inside MOBE if you end up purchasing Auto Home Profits. MOBE offers some digital marketing expensive products that cost thousands of dollars.
Another page they’ve used to get you to purchase Auto Home Profits is My Online Business, which I also reviewed.
My final thoughts
I believe I’ve provided enough explanations and proofs that reveal the real nature of Auto Home Profits.
- The real creators remain hidden.
- There are no real testimonials.
- They use fake scarcity tactics like the “limited number of spots”.
- They claim you will make money fast with little work, which is not true.
- They hide information like the upsells.
Even though you get some training, what can you expect from people who use unethical marketing tactics to make you buy their stuff? Do you think it’s worth your time? We’ve already read that most people don’t make money with this system.
These are some of the reasons why I don’t recommend Auto Home Profits, and I suggest that you avoid it.
Earning money online is not like it’s presented in these crappy products, it doesn’t happen the same day you join or purchase a system/program. It will take you a lot of hard work, patience and time.
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