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What about Steal My System? Avoid this crap!

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Hey there!

Perhaps you’ve come across this post because you’ve been searching for legitimate programs to earn money online or you’ve heard of Steal My System and are looking for information about this product.

The title of this blog already says that this system is a scam, so with this review I’ll explain what Steal My System is about and why I recommend that you stay away from it.


Table of Contents

Steal My System review

Name: Steal My System


Owner: Steven

Created in: 2015

Who it is for: I don’t recommend it to anyoneĀ 

Price: from $9.95 to $49.95

Overall Ranking: 10/100


If you’re sick of scams, check out my 1st resource to make money online here!

Ā .

Let’s analyze the sales video

When you visit their website and click to watch the video, the creator of the system claims that you’ve found a secret page, as you can see below:

Steal My System’s sales video


After that, he claims that one of his business partners sent you to that page:

Steal My System’s sales video


But how come this is a secret page if everyone can access to it? Like anyone who has an Internet connection can find this page. He should have said that it’s a public page but it may be difficult to find, even though it isn’t in my opinion.

Anyway, he says that it’s a secret page to make you feel fortunate that you’ve discovered something not many people know about.

Another thing that I find suspicious is that he claims that you’ve been sent to the site by one of his trusted business partners, like I found that page thanks to a Google search, so unless his trusted business partner is Google or Yahoo or another search engine I don’t know to whom he’s referring.

He also states that he’s going to reveal a secret to make $3,000 a day:

Steal My System’s sales video


However, he doesn’t tell you that secret. He tries to convince you that his system will make you rich by showing a few people saying that they’ve made a lot of money thanks to it, but none of them reveals how.

Then he tells you about his life history, that his father was diagnosed with cancer and that he revealed him the system that could turn anyone into a millionaire in an easy way.Ā I don’t find it’s a good time to reveal a secret when someone is ill, like you’re going to worry more about your health than your money.

He states that you can make a lot of money by just activating his system, as if making money online was magical.

He just wants you to feel sorry for him to make you believe that he has good intentions towards you and he really wants to help you become rich.

Nevertheless, the truth is that he’s made up a story to sell you the system.

He ends up the video by telling you to enter your email and pay the $9.95 fee, but observe what happens as soon as you enter your email:

Explosive Payday membership


As you see above, you’ll be redirected to Explosive Payday, which is another scam. They say that you’ll be charged a one-time initial membership set-up fee of $49.95 (even though it appears $39.95) and once 30 days have passed, you’ll be charged $9.95 per month unless you cancel.Ā 

Another thing is, if you refresh the page, you’ll see the time remaining go back to where it was when you first arrived at the site.


.Reasons why Steal My System is a scam

Now’s the time to tell you the conclusions I’ve come up with and have made me realized that this system is a scam:

  • You don’t know who’s the real owner. The product owner introduces himself as Steven, but he never reveals his surname or how you can get in touch with him.
  • They don’t offer support or ways to contact them. They don’t offer ways to help you out in case you have questions or doubts about the system.
  • You have to pay before trying things out. They don’t let you try the system for free, which is already risky.
  • There’s misinformation about the system fees. The guy from the video claims that you only need to pay $9.95 to try the system, but when you enter your email you’re redirected to another program.
  • They guarantee that you will get rich quick. “Steven” says that you can easily make $3,000 in a day.
  • They don’t explain how the system works. They never reveal what the product/system includes that will make you money or where the money comes from.
  • They don’t say how they’ve made money. They claim to be rich but they never explain how they’ve made it.
  • The testimonials are fake. The testimonials don’t reveal their names or ways to contact them, most of them are actors that the scammers paid in exchange for a positive opinion.
  • They’re creating a feeling of scarcity. As you can see in the pictures of the sales video, they announce that you have to act quickly because there are limited spots left, but you’ll read the same everytime you refresh the page.
No scams


In conclusion, Steal My System is a fraud designed to sell you the Explosive Payday membership, which is also a scam. The creator of Steal My System may be an Explosive Payday affiliate. An accurate name for this system would be “Steal Your Money System”.Ā 

Scammers will do their best to steal your money, so you have to be careful and always take into consideration what you’re getting into. If you want to know more about spotting online scams, click here.


A legitimate business opportunity

Making money online is possible, but it will require time and effort. Never believe someone who tells you that you can get rich overnight!

What I want for you is to never fall for scams like Steal My System and make money online so you can have a better lifestyle.

That’s why I invite you to join for free an spam and scam free online business platform where you will be taught how to turn your passions into a prosperous digital business through step by step courses and training.

If you’re wondering what I’m referring to, the answer is Wealthy Affiliate. If you want to know more details about this platform, click here or register for free by clicking the image below.


I also let you know that I, as well as other WA members and the owners, will be there to help you out once you’re inside! šŸ™‚Ā 

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my Steal My System review, I hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions about this system or other stuff related to making money online and scams, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! I will be more than happy to give you a hand šŸ˜€ Ā 

All the best =)

Hey there! Iā€™m Miren and welcome to my site. I started this site to help people avoid online scams and teach them how to make money online.

12 thoughts on “What about Steal My System? Avoid this crap!

  1. Wow. Thank you soo much for keeping us informed about this junk. It seems like these bad people never rest. My cousin is looking into this thing and he thinks it is legit. I’m sure that after he reads you review he’ll think twice. Thanks again.

    1. Hey Jim,
      Unfortunately yes, these unscrupulous folks are always looking to scam people in one way or another. I hope your cousin makes the right decision by not joining this fraudulent system.

      Thanks for dropping by šŸ™‚

  2. What a valuable post. There are too many people advertising these get rich quick schemes online and we left more people like you who are prepared to critically review these bogus opportunities and save people money in the process. Great post and thanks for this info.

    1. Hi Jon,
      I know it’s sad that there are people who promote these programs as if they were legit, like we already have enough work exposing these fraudulent programs and the scammers behind them. I hope more people get to know about this one and avoid it.

      Have a fabulous day šŸ™‚

  3. Thanks for revealing this big scam. I agree with your points to help you to conclude that this is a scam. Most scams have similar characters, like they talk always around the bush, they don’t want to give a real addresses to communicate to them, they preach about gaining a million for doing almost nothing. My question to them if they such a potential to convert somebody to a millionaire with in… Why just lose their much time to make such a misleading and unacceptable hacks to get only very little money per month from the victim?? Why just use that time to make those millions for themselves!? šŸ™‚

    1. Exactly, I totally agree with you. They always claim that you can make a fortune just with a couple of clicks, which sounds so unrealistic and is a big lie. I believe these scammers are the ones who want to get rich quick by stealing other people’s hard-earned money, they don’t like the idea of making money by working hard and helping others.

      Thanks for dropping by šŸ™‚

  4. Such a coincidence, i almost bought this scam product last week but I couldn’t pay for it because of lack of funds in paypal. So happy I didn’t have the funds I nearly went for it and was going to buy it when I’d topped up my paypal.

    You’ve saved me some money, Miren! Thanks,


    1. Hey James,
      Glad to know you didn’t buy it. We all need to be very careful before getting into these kind of programs and products.

      Have a great day šŸ™‚

  5. This is really nice post. This post has really impress me through its quality writing. In this article i watch some new writing style which is really nice. So thanks for sharing such a awesome post.

    1. Glad to know that you found this article helpful =) English is not my first language so I’m kind of surprised that you like my writing style lol, it means a lot to me!

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